Adwocran Confederation



1 year, 5 months ago



Parliamentary confederate republic

Legislative & Executive Branch


Grand Parriarch - elected by the Senneil for a 5-year term, with a maximum of 2 terms. The Grand Parriarch is the de jure head-of-state.


The Senneil is comprised of one Parriarch for each of the Adwocran Confederation's dominions, elected by popular vote of the people of their respective dominion for a 6-year term, with a maximum of 2 terms.

Judicial Branch


The Supreme Court of the Confederation of Adwocran Great Clans, or Adwocran Supreme Court, is the highest court in the Adwocran justiciary branch. It consists of twelve Supreme Court Justiciars, whom are selected by the Grand Parriarch with approval by the Senneil for a life tenure unless impeached, retired, or otherwise found unable to serve.


The Adwocran Confederate Justiciary is the official operating body of the Adwocran Confederation's judicial branch, comprised of Justiciars at various levels of government (dominion, region, etc.). Justiciars typically serve life tenure unless impeached, retired, or otherwise found unable to serve. Processes for choosing Justiciars differs depending on the level of the given court and which dominion they fall under.


Tusân, Llwrraine, on Adwocra, in the Adwocra system


Adwocran pounds (until 1 January 1 GE)

Galactic Standard Credits

Official Languages

  • Adwocran Standard
  • Soporthnan Common
  • Llwrronsh (Llwrraine)
  • And more...

Official Religion





Prominent Species

  • Aruses (founder species)
  • Humans
  • Malykos
  • Kunyns

Planets & Systems

  • Adwocra, Adwocra
Administrative Divisions

Adwocra's administrative divisions are known as dominions, which are then divided into regions, then counties, then districts.


Unification of Adwocra

On 15 October 6537 SA, the Great Clans of Adwocra became united under one flag, forming the Adwocran Confederation. The interest in unification came from the increasing distaste amongst Adwocrans against the Grand Star Empire.

Founding the Council of Galactic Powers

In 7979 SA, leaders from the Adwocran Confederation met with those of the People's Republic of Sorulia, Confederacy of the United Nations of Soporthna, Ervasian Star Kingdom, and Iruonese Republic. Talks began of an international alliance, in the interest of eventually shaking off the shackles of the Grand Star Empire. On 1 January 7980 SA, the Council of Galactic Powers was created, with the Galactic Standard Calendar being created. 7980 SA then became the first year of the Galactic Epoch.

First Saixalagian Civil War

Several uprisings within the Grand Star Empire led to the Council of Galactic Powers having the confidence to declare war on the GSE on 28 February 369 GE. Though the GSE was weakened, it was still a desperate war on the CGP's part. Nonetheless, they still pulled through, winning the war on 28 May 376 GE when the Grand Star Empire collapsed and fractured. The Adwocran Confederation then actively participated in the Anti-Mor'tva Crusades.

War with the Basileia

On 6 September 3365 GE, the Galactic Basileia launched an invasion of Adwocra, sparking the Basilican-Adwocran War. Though the Adwocrans fought ferociously, they lost the war on 16 July 3366 GE, with the Adwocran Confederation's government being dismantled and replaced with a prefectural government controlled by the Galactic Basileia.


After many bloody battles and countless sacrifices, Adwocra was finally freed from Basilican control on 21 June 3374 GE. All Basilican loyalists were imprisoned, and some were killed. Former Parriarch Gwlé Geyn was reinstated as the Adwocran Confederation's leader.

Joining the Galactic Union

The Adwocran Confederation abstained from joining the newly-formed Galactic Union until the mid-3380s GE, when the Senneil voted to request to join. The Adwocran Confederation was admitted membership on 18 December 3388 GE.

Involvement in the Tarrjyafi-Launnic War

After the start of the Tarrjyafi-Launnic War on 9 November 3424 GE, the Adwocran Confederation secretly sent ammunitions and supplies to the First Commonwealth of Tarrjyafi Launnia. This was called into question by those within the Confederacy of the United Duchies of Launnia, but nothing was ever done about it.

Sovnan Plague

When the Sovnan Plague first surfaced as a pandemic in early 3481 GE, the Adwocran Confederation closed off all travel between Adwocra and plague worlds. Most travel bans were lifted by 3495 GE, but the travel ban on the Nozama Corporate Federation remained until 3500 GE, when the Adwocran Confederation allowed travel between Adwocra and Nozaman worlds under very strict guidelines.

The Galactic Schism and Galactic Cold War

In the mid-3480s GE, popular opinion of the Galactic Union began to drop, especially as the Nozama Corporate Federation, Quexivian Republic, Confederacy of Nway, and High Republic of Elosia began to push for a more centralised galactic government. This made Adwocran officials nervous, as they didn't want a centralised galactic government.

On 16 February 3490 GE, the Galactic Declaration of Sapient Rights was proposed in the Union Senate by the Sorulian People's Union. It won the support of the Union Senate, which outraged the political adversaries of the Sorulian People's Union. On 7 November of the same year, the Saixalagian Republic Act was proposed by the Nozama Corporate Federation and subsequently lost the vote in the Senate.

Two political parties emerged as a result of this: the Egalitarian Alliance and the Republican Coalition. After a secret meeting amongst members of the Republican Coalition, the Constitution of the Saixalagian Republic was signed by Republican leaders on 15 October 3500 GE. This was in violation of Galactic Law, and two days later, triggered the Galactic Schism, with all non-members of the Republican Coalition seceding from the Saixalagian Republic. Members of the Egalitarian Alliance formed the New Galactic Community, while some Union member states who were part of neither party formed the Alliance of Neutral Nations.

This led to the start of the Galactic Cold War, which was largely political manoeuvring and diplomatic threats.

Bipartisan Pressure & the ANN

Through the early 3500s, both the Saixalagian Republic and the New Galactic Community pressured the Adwocran Confederation become a member of their respective international faction. This pressure urged the Adwocran Confederation to join the Alliance of Neutral Nations, and on 27 February 3503 GE, the AC was admitted as a member thereof.