
Charles "Charlie" Darling


Species: Demon/Incubus

Gender & Pronouns: Cis Male, He/Him

Orientation: Asexual Gay

Age: 83yo [died as a 21yo]

Height: 6'1"



Charlie is the twin brother of Cynthia; he is a performer and the owner of a demon run circus. He is cursed with a beast form that makes him lose all control of himself.

He loves humans, even falling in love with one.

He's a little silly but can be intimidating. 


Character Notes:

• Ears can be drawn pointy or goat-like (when embarrasses his demon traits poof back if in human form)

• Has a beauty mark by his left eye

• His right horn is sawed off at the tip (clean cut)

• Story takes place in the 2005

• Important: His eyes stay the same in all forms (ex. human disguise, beast and demon form)