Sidus Fausis



1 year, 1 month ago


Name: Sidus Fausis

Race: Imperial

Gender: Male

Birthdate: 13th of Sun's Dusk 3E 410

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Class: Thief/Spellsword hybrid

Role: Adventurer, Hero of Kvatch, reformed thief

Birthsign: The Thief

Alignment: Neutral Good

Worship: None

Weapon type: One-handed; swords and daggers

Appearance: Sidus is a young, handsome-looking young man with shoulder length, black hair, blue eyes, fair skin with a slight tan, and a lean build with well-developed muscles. He starts out with a beard due to his time incarcerated but immediately shaves it after escaping the Imperial Prison. Though sometimes, it manifests as stubble or 5'o'clock shadow if unable to shave for too long.

Personality: Before the events of Oblivion, Sidus was an arrogant, cynical, and trouble-making young man. He unabashedly committed acts of thievery in many parts of the Imperial City, all to achieve a selfish lifelong goal of becoming as wealthy as humanly possible; this desire for riches stems from his life as a poor orphan, and eventually a street urchin. But after feeling regret for killing an innocent, he stops being selfish and strives to atone for his sins. He starts by turning himself in to the Imperial Guard, being thrown into the dungeon to serve his sentence, then on his quest to stop the Oblivion Crisis. 

Outfit(s): Sidus starts off using a set of leather armor but with iron greaves and boots; this armor was salvaged during his escape from the Imperial Prison, so the gear wasn't the best quality. After escaping the prison and gathering funds, Sidus acquires Much better-quality armors. One of these is a set of leather armor but with iron or steel gauntlets, pauldrons and helmet for better protection. 



Main Skills: Blade, Sneak, Light Armor, Security, Mercantile, Destruction, Restoration.