


1 year, 5 months ago


Jayden Lazarus, Historian of Nexus

45_024_excited_by_earlyonion_dev2fk4-fulHuman (Silveryan) | ESFJ | "Duck"

  • Appearance: Long, dark brown hair; hazel eyes; supposed to have oval face shape; slender physique.
  • Age: Late 20s – early 30s
  • Distinguishing feature: His orange ribbon that decorates his hair.
  • Colour theme: White and orange (think call ducks), if not earthy tones.
  • Hobby: reading, helping others, collecting anything duck
  • Likes: Nexus history, getting along with those around him, making friends
  • Dislikes: being left alone, being casted aside, people dissing his ribbon ("It's traditional Silveryan fashion!")
  • Occupation: Camp assistant in Nexus' Remigration Camp.
  • Friends with: Tsumura and Vic (former co-workers)
  • Family: None; they have all passed on.
Jayden is a kind-hearted and theatrical Nexus history lover. That means he can be quacking loud... and louder when talking about Nexus history. He is a traditional fellow, loving his Silveryan traditions and culture. Back in Nexus, he was the Royal Historian of Silverya (Nexus); and then when the Migration happened, he became a librarian in Sigma.

He loves his homeworld and deeply misses it. When RESET (subdivision of Sigma Government) revived the Remigration Project, he was recommended to RESET by Vic. With news that he and other Migrants will be sent home if the next expedition is a success, he was supremely committed. Thanks to his input, the Remigration was a success.

Now settling down with all the other Nexus people at the Remigration Camp in Nexus, Jayden is often the go-to for just about anything. Due to his deep-rootedness with Nexus, he has become quite an important figure.

Jayden is also often referred to in a duck-like manner. The man has a fascination (or perhaps, obsession) with Call Ducks, just as how his grandfather did. Could it be possible that there is some sort of affinity between the Lazari and Call Ducks? Jayden also looks similar to Vic in a sense that they have the same longish oval face, same physique, same shade of hair and eyes, and a hair sticking out on top. When together, they look like brothers; but no, they are not blood-related.