Devin's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

VINNYZ Global Rules



You will have to follow this is you own designs made by me or if you simply follow me

breaking these will get you blocked and backlisted

✦- You can use the character however you please! Commercial use is allowed as well, with proper permission to the artist/s and credit! 

✦- Even if you own one or more of my designs; you are not allowed to reference, steal or get very inspired on them. Even with characters I didn't make. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable.

✦- You are totally allowed to do whatever you want with my designs, such as co-own, regift, retrade and resell.

✦- PLEASE DONT SELL MY DESIGNS TO PEOPLE OFF TOYHOUSE! I just can’t keep track on those 

✦- Don’t overprice my characters or sell for more value than what you bought it for, only personal art/ commissions can increases their value (gifts/free art do not count)

✦- DON‘T DELETE MY DESIGNS!! That’s rude. By deleting a design of mine you lose the right to own that character and will get blocked.

✦- If you offer art for my designs, you have a month to finish payment, depending on the amount of art/money. I can give an extension or you can simply ask for those but please make sure to tell me. If not I’ll cancel and accept other offers, anyways you are totally allowed to cancel if you simply don’t want or can’t with it.
