


1 year, 29 days ago



Shy || Polite || Dramatic || Sensitive

Eustace lives in a forest, in a big doll house that a tree has grown around. He discovered the place when it was already overgrown by grass and moss, where he bravely confronted a spider that was living in it and is now keeping the place neat and tidy, although kept the mossy bits where they were convenient (carpets). He tends to his garden and usually keeps to himself, but doesn't mind accommodating any visitor that comes across his home, usually by accident. He usually can't invite them inside, but thankfully there are a few large rocks and an old stumps where they could sit to rest. He's very shy and a little awkward, but does his best to be a good host. 

Besides gardening, he likes to read when he gets the chance as well as dress up nicely. His house had some old doll clothes that were fit to wear after some cleaning, besides his signature robe. The visitors that became friendly to him sometimes bring him some new clothes, after which he gets overly emotional and cries. He also enjoys drinking tea (using his doll cups obviously).

  •  the visitors are usually hikers or someone who's lost in the forest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  •  his garden is several forest flowers which he planted in an organized way so that it looks like a garden. The flowers are pretty big in comparison to him.                                                                                                                                             
  •    his biggest threats so far have been larger arthropods, and he dreads the day a bird spots him (or anything even larger)

Design notes: 

Keep him thin and elegant looking. If you don't feel like drawing his markings, you can always dress him up in feminine or masculine clothing, as he likes dressing up and making his own clothes.

NootAniqMini boss
The shrines WILL be clean and he WILL look even better cleaning them.He might be a little awkward, but luckily Aniq is understanding so he will be able to show her his tiny flower garden.If there are no other daiten to help him, he can only hope to escape the situation. If the confrontation is not aggressive however, he might groom or help the creature, if it needs it.