
1 year, 5 months ago


Name: Junior

Nickname: Junin

Gender: Male

Pronoums: He/Him

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 8

Birthday: 7/6

Height: 30

Species: Cat

Role: studant

Theme: Unconditionally

About: He is just a cute kitty

Personality: He is a creative child, naive and optimist, hapy with his live

Likes: play, friends, school, draw

Deslikes: vegetables, cant go outside, "teenage stuff"

Backstory: he was a child living very happily with his parents and his friends, until one day he met his best friend, Cris, and found out a little more about how this world may not be what we expect

Trivia: I cant think in one for now

Relationships: Crisela: His best friend, really like her

Geraldo and Alice: His parents, for him, the best parents in the hole world