Dream Characters



1 year, 1 month ago



Scorpion Girl
Curly brown-red hair, freckles, braces, and hazel eyes maybe. She had a pet scorpion that would crawl everywhere. She was really chaotic but nice, very much a prankster that would steal stuff from my dad.
6th grader
Small 6th grader with blonde hair. Tried to hit on me, ew. I told him to go away lol.
Cool guy
Black hair at short to mid length, dark skin with vitiligo. He was really cool, we chilled at a pool I think loll
Gay mfs
I was a 3rd person omniscent narrater for this dream. I basically just watched their medival love story play out, one of them got shot with an arrow.


A 10ft tall silhoutte of a person. Their head is a circle, with two white glowing eyes. Instead of walking they float. Their weapon of choice? Sewing pins. Every hour they are sent directly to the dreamer's location, they must hide every time. Each time it gets harder to hide as the pins get bigger and bigger. Eventually leading to your doom.
A 60ft tall creature, a mix between a giraffe, a hammerhead shark, and a giant. Skin covers it's entire body. It only appears in bad weather, like thunderstorms or extreme fog. He looms over skylights, watching you from above. Three tarot cards will appear in your house. Find them, and get lucky. If you don't. Run.
Cotton Candy Friends

Don't trust them.
All 3 have similar body shapes, large oval-shaped head, "ears" on the side (pom-pom, bunny ears, just fur, etc.), a small bean-like body, two long arms, and two normally proportioned legs. Stiches cover them like a stuffed animal. A heart is placed on their chest.

Friend 1: Fur acts their ears, making them look like a frown view clown. A diamond star marks both of their eyes. They constantly smile. They have long, badger-like claws.

Friend 2: They have spikes for their ears. Their eye marks are a jagged circle, and their eyes are constantly closed. They frown. Their claws are rounded out and they have upside down hears as "paw-pads"

Friend 3: A much smaller friend. They have bunny ears, and their face has been drawn over with some sort of marker. they have no claws or heart, but move just the same.

A horribly large creature that secretes slime from its skin, leaving a trail that will stick to whatever touches it. It is slow and blind, but uses touch to find where you are. Fat rolls on its slimy body as it opens its gaping jaw of human-like teeth. It has two useless arms attached to its side.