
1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info




very close with her dad, fights with mom a lot because of their similar personalitys clash too much. 

Listens to rock music at max volume

obsessed with pizza, mac n cheese and mcDonald's. 

Unironically too similar to Mavis, friends with her but has this weird sort of envy with Mavis because of how she is very pretty and much more social. 

she keeps her friends close and enemies closer, (or frenemies? 💀) 

she is often perceived differently then she actually is and misunderstood. she has jelousy issues if you couldn't tell already. but she goes to therapy and is working on getting better. 

she is really insecure and tries to hide in baggy clothes to cover up her sh scars

She has a twin max who is practically her complete opposite. 

she gets bored really easily so she finds different ways to occupy herself like origami which she makes as little gifts for loved ones. she is very thoughtful and generous. great at making ideas come to life. 

her 2 favorite things are probably skateboarding and music. of course she likes listening to music but also is getting drum lessons from jazz

She's a lesbian

Loves Garfield