Dr. Ephemeral ("Emera")



1 year, 1 month ago


I am not good at video game calculations. I do not know if I have made a standard, broken, or useless unit.
I just wanted to try and make suitably thematic skill choices. Thank you for your understanding!

Operator Profile

[Code Name] Dr. Ephemeral (AKA "Emera")
[Gender] Female (She/Her)
[Combat Experience] Classified
[Place of Birth] Unknown
[Age] Classified
[Date of Birth] April 24
[Race] Ægir (Turritopsis dohrnii)
[Height] 5'0" / 152cm
[Infection Status] Early stages of infection confirmed by medical examination. 

Steadfast || Charismatic || Nurturing
Forgetful || Ignorant || Blunt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lorem elit, sagittis sit amet ultricies sed, iaculis hendrerit lectus. Nam condimentum congue elementum. Integer non elementum diam. Aenean elementum tincidunt facilisis. Vivamus malesuada, augue eu volutpat pulvinar, dui arcu blandit dolor, eu volutpat neque justo sed risus. Proin pharetra risus vel massa iaculis tristique. Ut lacinia scelerisque lorem ut tincidunt. Praesent vulputate fermentum felis eget interdum. Aenean rutrum, lectus in congue porta, nibh erat ornare turpis, tempor commodo augue leo at odio. Nunc maximus, nisl sed ultricies porta, diam lorem pharetra eros, sit amet consectetur nulla risus a sapien. In placerat ex turpis, nec maximus augue tincidunt vel.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris lacinia condimentum dictum. Nulla facilisi. Praesent libero sem, elementum ut tristique eget, placerat vel ex. Nam ut luctus lectus. Mauris accumsan nulla est, eu pellentesque urna fermentum cursus. Sed et enim vel magna fringilla vulputate. Curabitur sagittis molestie sagittis. Donec sed eros ultricies, aliquet ex et, vulputate neque. Maecenas placerat eros eu nisl facilisis hendrerit. Morbi non libero placerat, mollis ante eget, consequat nisi. Pellentesque eget risus tortor. Sed vel aliquet ex. Donec vel auctor purus. Duis vel porta erat, sit amet tristique augue. Nulla sed magna est.

"She can't remember anything.
At first, she can't feel anything. Things gradually start to feel familiar...
But in the end, she can't remember anything important."

[Due to Arknights Operators' profiles being written in the style of a medical report, a lot of information is typically omitted from character profiles. The information which follows this point in this section would be omitted from a report and would only be known to Dr. Kal'tsit, but in the interest of Actually Giving Some Information About Her, the rest of this section will be written like a standard character profile. Some information will still be omitted purely due to the fact I am still working on aspects of her backstory, such as her life before becoming the "Doctor" and her involvement with fellow Ægir.]

Upon opening her eyes, the first words she heard from an unperturbed feline woman were "You died."  While such a statement would either disturb or confuse most, somewhere in Dr. Ephemeral's (Emera's) heart she knew it to be true, despite how absurd it sounded.

Observing her surroundings, she could tell they were in a less than ideal place to be conducting any kind of medical exam or surgery, indicating they were in a hostile environment and her incidental death was not one of her choosing. Additionally, seeing as there was evidence of there being a lot of people on the premesis, the fact only two attended to her as she, supposedly, "died", she could deduce that her condition was one that was to be kept secret. What kind of world had she woken in, she thought silently to herself as a young cautus girl cried in relief at her side.

Though cautioned about the Doctor's condition by the feline woman, known as Dr. Kal'tsit, the cautus girl, Amiya, was still shocked and upset to discover that Emera had completely lost her memories.

Emera has a unique ability which allows her to escape death simply known as "Age Regression." As the name implies, when inflicted with a deadly wound or approaching death by old age, her body will regress to a younger version of itself, shedding itself of harmful cells as far as it is able to undo the potential cause of death.

While this ability essentially makes her immortal on the surface, said immortality comes at the cost of her memories every time it is used. Sometimes she will retain her memories from before the age she has regressed to, and other times it completely wipes her memory. This particular regression, unfortunately, is the latter, effectively making her more like her own reincarnation rather than the exact same person.

"Age Regression" is also limited in what it can "cure." For instance, if her body was to become completely riddled with Oripathy, she may have to regress to the stage of an embryo to rid herself completely of the Infection; a stage she could not survive in without immediate intervention, intensive care and monitoring. Additionally she cannot mend her heart if it becomes too mortally wounded, especially if the weapon used to inflict the wound remains imbedded.

Though she does not remember it, Emera had purposefully let herself become Infected in the past. With her ultimate goal being to find a means to cure Oripathy, the woman used her own body as a test subject for risky clinical trials. She believed her ability made her the perfect candidate for otherwise unethical human experimentation, being able to regress when the Oripathy went too far or a treatment procedure failed to a catastrophic degree.
She failed to have the foresight to realize if she becomes too heavily infected she would eventually lose the ability to shed the infection completely during a regression, as a number of the cells that would remain after her regression would still be Infected.

Even so, she has conciously attempted to manipulate the age she returns to in her last few regressions so as not to "waste years on growing up again." As a result, she has currently regressed into the age of a young adult woman with Originium stones embedded into her right arm.

While she was able to mostly shed the harmful cells formed by the infection, she is unable to completely cure herself currently. She has the option to amputate her arm at her current stage to mostly rid herself of the infection prior to a further regression to erase the remaining granules in her blood, but she decided to leave her infected arm, as well as her limited memories remain in the interest of continuing to persue a cure. Despite having no memory of her ambitions, she willingly has retaken the dreams and mantle of the Doctor once more after seeing the suffering of the Infected first hand.

She has, and will continue to die for these goals, even should it eventually lead to her permenant death.





 4 second duration 
After deployment, DEF +244%. DEF decreases over 4 seconds and the DEF of the target attacked by Dr. Ephemeral -44% for 4 seconds.

 manual or auto 

 manual or auto 

 Relentless Retribution 
(Unlocked at E1)
The first time this unit falls, redeployment timer becomes 0, ATK +60% and DEF -60% when redeployed (one time only.)

 Martyr Operation / "Fall with me" 
(Unlocked at E2)
After redeployment following "Relentless Retribution", when unit falls, 400% ATK as Physical damage to all nearby enemies (one time only.)

Physical Examination

[Infection Status] Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs with no abnormal shadows detected. Small traces of Originium granules have been detected in the circulatory system, and Originium stone appears to be laterally and superficially imbedded in her right forearm.

At present, although imaging suggests the Doctor shows no signs of being infected, the presence of Originium granules in the circulatory system and stone on the surface of the skin must be closely monitored. Due to the presence of Originium granules and stone, the Doctor has been deemed to be in the early stages of being Infected.

[Physical Strength] Standard
[Mobility] Outstanding
[Physical Resilience] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Outstanding
[Combat Skill] Flawed
[Originium Art Assimilation] Flawed

Combat skill compromised due to memory loss. Previous records indicate Dr. Ephemeral's base level for combat skill to be considered "excellent", but is currently fighting recklessly in, by her own admission, an attempt to breach the gap between her and her past. Although ideally nominated to assume a commanding position due to her uninhibited tactical prowess, training is recommended should the need for Dr. Ephemeral to take to the front lines.

[Cell-Originium Fusion Rate] 5%
Dr. Ephemeral exhibits visible Originium crystals laterally and superficially on her right forearm.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.15u/L%
Originium stone present on the surface of Dr. Ephemeral's skin. The Doctor is frequently in contact with Infected patients and Operators alike, and as such the source of the granules, whether they have been accumulated through work or internally, is difficult to determine. Efficiently uses personal protection measures. Considered to be in early stages of infection.

[Originium Complications]
No complications observed at present.

Additional Information

