


1 year, 14 days ago


copypasting hehe:

 breadsticks, like many CASTs, was once a human whose potential for  photon manipulation was far greater than her body could handle.  fortunately for her They Could Rebuild Her, They Had The Technology, but  unfortunately for her she happened to be suffering from photonosis at  the time when the then-overseer of ARKS,  Luther, was involved in some especially shady and unethical research.  Because she was young at the time and hardly in the condition to make  the decision herself, all he had to do was smooth talk her parents into  seeing CAST conversion as the best option for her and boom, free test  subject. Which was especially easy considering that her mother had  recently perished in a falspawn attack against an ARKS ship, and her  father was not especially keen on losing her so soon afterward.


 At the time, ARKS' central research division Void was focused on a  number of projects related to the Clarissa, a weapon that was part of a  set known as the Cosmogenic Arms, known for its significant difference  in power compared to other rod-class weapons and its uncanny ability to  purify corrupted photon energy. Although she was not the primary subject  of these experiments, breadsticks served as a human lab rat for the  purposes of replicating the weapon. through being repeatedly dosed with  corrupted photon energy and purified with the replica Clarissa  prototypes, she “helped” to hone the efficacy of the weapons, although  none of them were even close to perfect, not even the final product, and  left her with significant residual corruption – although not enough to  pose a threat to her life nor her control over her photons, provided she  was sound of mind and provided a CAST body that could withstand both  her potential and the falspawn corruption. in fact, further testing  revealed that rather than her only slowly purifying the f-factors she  absorbed like most photon users, she in fact assimilated much of them  into a somewhat less malignant form that researchers theorized could  provide benefits on the battlefield. Luther saw potential in this, and  although he had been prepared to discard her once she had served her  purpose, decided to go through with her CAST conversion as promised.


 although memory loss is a known risk of CAST conversion, modern  procedures generally minimize the chances. however, due to the traumatic  nature of the experiments she was forced to participate in, it was  deemed necessary to deliberately wipe her memory and install an  emotional regulator for her to be potentially useful as an ARKS  operative and keep her falspawn corruption under control. along with her  memory, most records of her time as a lab rat were purged. Friends and  family were merely told that the especially severe nature of her  condition was the reason for both her memory loss and her especially  long “treatment”, with the latter ultimately disowning her when she  proved to retain little to nothing of the person she was before and was  effectively 'dead', and some of the former assuming the role of a new  family for her. She became a rank and file member of ARKS, albeit under  the watchful eye of Casra of the Council of Six, the member of ARKS'  governing body most closely tied to Void other than Luther himself. In  spite of the rather quirky personality she began to develop in the wake  of her rebirth as a CAST, she proved to be a competent soldier excelled  in the field.


 thankfully for her, whatever plans Luther had for her ultimately never  came to fruition. after luther's… untimely departure from ARKS as an  organization and the ensuing restructuring, breadsticks joined the newly  formed Intelligence Bureau under Casra, using her unique talents for  the purposes of reconnaissance and assessing threats to the Oracle fleet  and the universe at large.


 and yes she does go by breadsticks. thats just how she be