Gecko- Maxwell Juni Kinsnak



6 years, 1 month ago


A Lizard boy created back in 2010. He was fun loving and energetic Acrobat for a traveling Circus. He spoke an entirely different langauge from the other characters he hung out with so nobody understood half of what he was saying. He was also the only one who knew something was seriously wrong at first. He was the supporting protaganist of a short story. //Though His role seemed to be more of sane man for the main protaginest due to her missing a huge chunk of her brains. 


  • Had a tattoo shaped like a gecko with it's body made out of the word on his neck, It was forced on him by the last Ringmaster.
  • Hates Sword Eating. He was forced to try it and it did some damage.
  • Is in love with the Circus Monster, a Chimera named Flora. 
  • Knows there's something wrong with his workplace but can't explain it and when he finally can nobody still believes him.  but hey, he's not wrong. Roach and everyone else should not be dying and coming back to life every single night, nope that isn't normal but nobody listens to the lizard guy. He can't be on to something at all there. 


Redrawn Artwork and Ref.

Friends Updated and Redrawn.