


1 year, 1 month ago




Main character | they/it


Who or rather what is Yùn?
Yùn is above all the materialization of a particular positive feeling that one can feel in times of mourning.
When we lose a loved one, it is normal to feel infinitely sad and devastated. Our world seems to be collapsing and sometimes even a part of ourselves dies as well.
One can feel totally helpless and it is. Death and all the pain it can bring is part of life. That's what makes it valuable.
We can't do anything about it, but we don't have to suffer death.

In my world, when faced with the loss of a loved one, that feeling of sadness exists. He is very real and inevitable but… He is replaced by Yùn.
It turns into something beautiful and comforting, into a feeling of gratitude towards life and the universe that put this loved one, this soul, in our path.
We wouldn't feel so devastated if we hadn't had such beautiful moments.
Other beautiful moments will come if we agree to see them because very often they are found in something as simple as the smell of rain after a hot day, the sound of a bird that reminds us of our childhood or even the smile of a loved one.
Yùn is there to remind you that life is beautiful, fragile and precious. Tragic events happen, of course, but also many other pleasant moments... To whoever wants to see them.


Yùn is represented with bells, chimes, kites, flags and other streamers that flutter in the wind.
When we die, we are often buried in a coffin, this one placed in a grave adorned with a stone.
This tombstone then becomes our place of contemplation and we then find ourselves in front of a cold and lifeless object.
In my world, when we die, a bell or a kite hangs from a tree. So with every breeze, you can see, you can hear, you can smell and feel that feeling of joy and gratitude.
These banners hung on the tree dancing with the wind, the kite twirling, the melody of the chime or the tinkling of the bells, the caress of the wind, the smell it brings after passing through the flowers. .. All of this is, in a sense, alive and well.

Design note

The colors and some elements like the wigns/feathers/neck size may vary from one picture of another. I always draw Yùn as I feel, so do not worry to much about drawing exatly the same design.

