


1 year, 2 months ago



"Ain't no such thing as civilized. It's man so in love with greed he has forgotten himself, and found only appetites."

Fervour is a very mischievous dragon who holds those she trusts close, and keeps everyone else out. She enjoys the bustling nature and chaos of cities, and would happily choose a nice box under a bridge to the mosquit-ridden wilderness.

She is very skilled in theivery and puts those skills to the test often. Despite her criminal record, her cunning nature has helped her avoid several arrests with inexperienced officers- much to the dismay of the police chief.


Name fervour
Age sixteen
Gender female (she/they)
Species dragon
Birthday april 13th
Worth $100
Orientation Lesbian :)
Occupation street urchin

  • stealing
  • riches
  • freedom

  • government
  • hunger
  • rain


  • She loves the sunny heat and dislikes cold weather.
  • Her gang lives in an abandoned building on the less luxurious side of town. She personally has a cardboard box with a sheet and several blankets and pillows.
  • Other than stealing, she enjoys watching townsfolk go about their activities.
  • Her favorite food is fresh chicken and noodle soup. She's only had it once, but she's never forgotten how good it was.

Design Notes

  • Her stripes are based off of a skink's.
  • Her neckerchief is her favorite item of clothing, but ultimately is optional.


Born to parents that didn't want her, Fervour was left as an orphan in the small western town of ---. She grew to resent the rules and regulations that binded her and ran away on her thirteenth birthday. After days of travelling in the blistering heat, she ended up in the large city of ---, where she was accepted into a band of street kids who survived due to their clever nature and skills in thievery.

The gang also distrusted the government and would actively steal from the rich, perpetuating Fervour's negative view on civilization and those in power.

After three years of running with the gang of misfits, Fervour started to want more in life than incarceration and thievery. She would spend less time with the street urchins and more time alone, causing the gang to slowly distrust her in fears her political views were changing to that of a sheeple.

Music Box