


1 year, 2 months ago



Genome(s): Human, Givanium

Case Type: 2

Alias: The Star


Ik this is long so I'll say only the first two paragraphs are essential info the last two are kind of extra!

Stardust is kind of insane. He is very eccentric, unaware of his surroundings, and unaware of the gravity of the situation he is in. He is very chipper and friendly nonetheless, although he tends to be a little mischevious. He think's it's all in good fun, but people don't tend to be a huge fan of it. His favorite person to bother is Perfect Paul. He's the only one he kind of knows actually doesn't like his behavior, but he persists becuase he thinks it's funny and that Perfect Paul is mean (becuase he is). 

Stardust is an artist and a writer. He was made to encourage kids to do creative projects such as these. He was also made to take on a magician persona, like a magician themed artist. He carries around a pencil with him, and keeps more pencils in his mouth, becuase givanium-based beings don't have to eat. His pencils look like magician wands. He only gets pencils out of his mouth if he has to. His mouth stays in it's toothy state all the time otherwise, no closing or opening it. He likes making drawings and poems to poke fun at things and people. He leaves notes around his floor of poems poking fun at people and his drawings can be found on some of the walls.

If he saw the player he'd immediately start conversing with them, as he likes talking to humans. He'd ask you a bunch of questions about the upper levels, and when you wouldn't answer, he would simply brush it off. He follows you for a bit while yapping, but he's quickly chased off by another character, or sees Perfect Paul and leaves to bother him.

When Stardust was first created he was kind enough. His genome donor was known for being a bit eccentric, but was reasonable and kind enough to be around. When he found out he was not human and what he was, he went a little crazy, and started lashing out at people. Up until this point, he was looking rather promising, so the staff was very dissapointed with this development. They didn't even mean for Stardust to find out what he was. They made the mistake of letting him converse with some other cases, notably Stinger Flynn (That part relies on theory and therefore is subject to change). He met his genome donor behind a thick paned window as an ill-concieved attempt at calming him down. He became agiated and bashed his pencil against the glass so hard that a layer of it broke and his pencil got stuck inside. He was permanently not approved for presentation after that. After being transferred to the lower levels, as he processed the reality of his situation more and more, he started to isolate himself from any interaction and attempted to live in his own world to escape. Both of these factors resulted in him going kind of insane, like he is now. He came out of his isolation becuase of the crash of the ballpit falling, and came out to see what happened, and make some friends!

Also, his mouth doesn't move when he talks.

Design notes:

His mouth never opens or closes, it is always toothy

The 'stardust' seen in his older images is no longer relevant to his character, so please don't draw him with it

His hat doesn't float anymore, either

He is designed to look like he could fit into the GOBB games. If you want to make a fan-design for him in the same way people make fan-designs for GOBB characters, go ahead!

His expression almost always stays the same, it only changes if he's experiencing really strong negative emotion