


1 year, 5 months ago


Alias - Tap Tap 

Sexuality - ? 

Pronouns - She/it/they

Chaotic Neutral 

It’s some sort of entity, assumed a previously dead woman now turned. Her mask doesn’t change expression, but the empty eye and mouth hole can produce inherently anything. They can produce anything, such as arms or eyeballs in the eternal black abyss. For her mask to be broken, it’d likely release chaos as if some sort of Pandora’s box.

That isn’t to say she isn’t without strength with the mask. It helps them keep control, but could easily kill someone if they so desired, even with the mask. 

She’s generally mischievous but strong, in the way she doesn’t cower before people. Tap has fun playing tricks on people to gauge their reactions, but can understand when a situation doesn’t call for games. It isn’t beneath respecting people despite it’s power over a basic human, a bit of humanity it hasn’t lost.

Very nice to children and mothers, as well as women in general (more so if they have children, though.) She doesn’t hate men, just likes to play more tricks on them. 

It’s name comes from the soft tapping a person can hear on the inside of it’s mask, indicating it’s presence before it even shows itself. They don’t mind the nickname, they find it quite funny.

to clarify: she isn’t wearing a kimono, it’s just something more like a dress.