free art !!



1 year, 2 months ago
Trade Listing


hi! feel free to offer up your characters to be drawn! - all drawings will be added to this page

im mainly drawing characters that interest me, sorry

feel free to browse my page to see what the types of characters im into :^) 

you could also suggest something you'd like them to be doing, like watering flowers, having a meal, playing video games ect.

its also okay to offer up a group of characters! im trying to draw more characters interacting and id love to see your guys fun groups of ocs :^))

things im not great at drawing : 

• characters with a ton of black - i love more saturated colors ^^

• dragons or just most realistic animals - im best at more cartoony characters

•ferals - i can draw them but my anatomy of them is definitely iffy unless they're more cartoonish and squishable

•detailed clothing - my lineart is really sketchy so small or multiple details in clothing or on the character in general are a bit tough for me