


1 year, 2 months ago


Clover Newfield

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Clover Newfield



Trans male

Gray wolf







He/they, transmale, mlm, Can be drawn with top surgery scars. Middlechild, two siblings: Frost and Rumi Likes being outside in fields or near the beach. Loves to swim and collects pretty seashells. Very easygoing and chill. Likes napping in sunny fields with his boyfriend Juno. My sweet darling child, my beloved. He was first just a character but over the years he has become more and more my main sona. I love him so so much <3


Clover is a very chill guy. Loves to just hang out with people close to him. A super fun-loving, easy-going fella. Never really stresses about anything. Is very quick to join dumb ideas and go on fun adventures with his friends. He also has a nerdy side to him and he likes to know about all sorts of things. A bit of a philosopher and likes to write down whatever he has on his mind. is willing to fight to for his loved ones and is very loyal to those who he wievs his friends and family.


To be added

Mauris non dignissim mauris. Sed tristique dui nec eros convallis tempus in et nisl. Mauris tempus, risus et laoreet laoreet, arcu est lacinia tellus, ac sagittis lectus magna eu eros. Nullam iaculis blandit lorem sit amet ornare. Cras ut libero magna. Sed facilisis, turpis lobortis ultricies ultricies, nibh erat vehicula enim, vitae condimentum arcu turpis sed felis.

Duis volutpat lectus vitae facilisis molestie. Phasellus at nibh accumsan, interdum odio et, lobortis ex. Donec posuere vel justo in tincidunt.


In quis iaculis augue, id vestibulum quam. Sed ut gravida lorem, vel sodales nunc. Curabitur iaculis, dui ut molestie porta, nibh nisl lobortis libero, id pretium augue nulla id tellus. Suspendisse euismod enim sed quam egestas, non euismod dolor vehicula. Sed sed nibh dui. Pellentesque ultricies, ante ac interdum fringilla, metus purus maximus enim, at vestibulum arcu erat a velit. Pellentesque volutpat, lorem a volutpat ornare, elit massa blandit neque, eu pellentesque turpis nisi sed lorem. Fusce vitae tristique massa. Donec eu enim metus. Fusce vel tincidunt tortor.

Pellentesque ultricies maximus nisi ut volutpat. Sed aliquet odio vel ipsum cursus sodales. Vestibulum pretium nibh ligula, at fermentum arcu porta ac. Fusce scelerisque venenatis enim, eget porttitor felis faucibus sed.


  • All kinds of music
  • Tea and coffee with oat milk
  • Pears


  • Fireworks (Loud noises)
  • Mushrooms
  • Vaccuming


  • Can play the guitar (Juno tought him)
  • He preferes the taste of oat milk more than normal milk
  • He has a strawberry flavored vape (Juno has cherry
  • mainly listens to chill indie music but is willing to listen to other stuff (like rap with Juno)
  • he likes to make his own choices and hates being controlled by someone else (aka. Clover says fuck the rules)

Design Notes 

  • Can be drawn with top surgery scars.
  • Markings on the face are not scars but on the rest of the body they are.
  • Collar does not have spikes in it, just studs.
  • Paw pads are also light blue.

Juno: Boyfriend


They met on accident and since then they have been inseparable. Most of their days they spend napping in fields or laying by river sides. Clover searches for sea shells, Juno for cool rocks. Truly the best couple ever. Clover is always stealing Junos stuff from hoodies to waterbottles and Juno can't help but takes his boufriends stuff in return. They share a common interest in music and other nerdy stuff. They often infodump to eachouther about their interests like cars or philosophy

Frost: Big brother


After Clover left his family to live on his own he and Frost became kind of estranged. After a few yeras of not talking Frost reached out to Clover and they became closer again and started to hang out. Frost was always supportive of Clover and always had his back. There was never any bad blood between them, their lives just took them in two different directions. Now they are very close again and share a brotherly bond with eachother.

Rumi: younger sibling


Rumi being the youngest was never really close with their siblings. Clover never spent much time with them but is still wiling to defend his sibling to the ends of the earth, they're still his family after all. Clover never really knew what was going on with his sibling but is willing to support them no matter what. They might not talk very often but there is still a unspoken appreciation for eachother..
