Florian Torres



1 year, 5 months ago



Florian Torres

20 | He/they | Pansexual

Pokemon Team - Grass Type: 

  • Cacnea
  • Carnivine
  • Whimsicott
  • Alolan Exeggutor
  • Chip (Chespin)
  • Lotad


Florian never really had a stable home life growing up. He and his parents were close to each other but his mom’s job had forced them to move around a lot so he was constantly changing homes and even regions. This led to him being a pretty shy and reserved kid, he was afraid to go out and try to make friends because he knew it was only a matter of time before he’d have to move again and figured it’d be more upsetting to have to leave so many people behind than to just be alone. His parents and pokemon were his only friends at that time. However, eventually his dad got tired of having to move around constantly but it’s not like his mom could really do much about it since it was for work. They agreed that his dad could stay back in Hoenn  and Florian probably joined him. However, his parents soon learned that long distance wasn’t really for them so they split up. They were still on good terms though and worked together to try to give Florian as good of a life as they could. They also both wanted to still be in Florian’s life obviously so he ended up having to move depending on which parent he was staying with that week. It wasn’t really anything new for them and he also still wanted to be around both of his parents so he didn’t really see it as a big deal. His mom still moved around a lot, but there was a rather long period of time where she had been staying in Kalos. By this time, Florian was around 11-12 and it was during his mother’s stay here where he would meet and befriend Cove. It was Cove who had come up to him first, but it didn’t take too long for the two to become friends. Florian had explained to the other that he wouldn’t always be in Kalos and would sometimes have to go back to Hoenn, but it didn’t deter Cove from being their friend. The two were inseparable for a while, constantly hanging out while Florian was in Kalos but still staying in touch when he was Hoenn. However, when they were around the age of 15, Florian’s mom had to move to Alola, meaning the two wouldn’t be able to hang out again for a while. It was devastating for the two boys, but they still made plans to stay in touch and Cove would even try to visit every now and then if he could. Once Florian did move, things were fine at first and the two were texting and calling nearly everyday. However, as the two got older and became busier, interactions between them became less and less. They were still talking just not as frequently, and it was more small talk than anything.


By the time he’s 18, Florian ends up moving out. He still stays in touch with and visits his parents from time to time, but they end up moving back to Kalos. He figured maybe he’d be able to see Cove again that way, but was a little afraid of how that would go since they had both changed throughout the years, and ended up not telling Cove that he was back in the region. During this time, Florian is studying up on pokemon care and he now currently has a job at a daycare. This job would end up being what allowed the two to finally see each other again as Cove ended up going to the daycare Florian worked at. While Cove is a bit upset at first that Florian never told him he was back in Kalos, the two quickly started making up for lost time after Florian explained himself to Cove. 


Florian was a rather shy and reserved kid growing up, but his personality would start to change the older he got. Currently, he is rather laid back and can be very charismatic. He doesn’t really go out of his way to socialize, but he doesn’t shy away from it as much as he used to. He's also very caring, especially towards pokemon and those close to him.










Lilycove City, Hoenn      Currently lives in Courmarine City, Kalos

Partner Pokemon



Pokemon Daycare Worker

Realistic Ethnicity
