✯ RESOURCES (🔮 badges)



2 years, 6 months ago


45615098_rptb1U13E7QLyaI.gif Badges-awards 45615098_rptb1U13E7QLyaI.gif

You Can...

  • Use anywhere.
  • Use on your chara images.
  • Use on F2U/P2U codes.
  • Edit with code (for example edit on hover).

You Can't...

  • Repost.
  • Any commercial use.
  • Claim as owned/made by you.
  • Edit with no permission
  • Use if you are in the blacklist.
  • Credit not needed but appreciated, just link back here.
  • Please credit me as off-site if you wanna upload these to a character's gallery for some reason .-. And pls don't request to add character's to the images.
71281900_78xzTpRIwYyfV7n.png Traditional Ways

This character has been drawn in traditional ways (watercolor, pencils, paint, etc...).

71281925_sjPjYUwxCOnRHv8.png Digital World

This character has been drawn in digital art.

73441921_MUqqwVtSzYvM66t.png Bookmarked

This character has been featured in literature. (Book, novel, short stories, etc.)

71281916_x1U0VTPZttUj1UN.png Pixelated

This character has been drawn in pixel art.

71281920_I4zfgR2IGjqlgqA.png Gizmo

This character has been turned into a 3D model or sculpt.

71281894_YqJpp6HT7f1savP.png Movie star

This character has been animated or featured in a video/animation.

71281917_3PSPDVf7VxFheaY.png Real World

This character has been turned into a physical item. (figure, keychain, etc.)

71281921_2V0Qt2nSfx2zBmh.png Squishy

This character has been turned into a physical plushie.

71281923_eoygyPXQuJhJODB.png Gamer

This character has been featured into a videogame.

73444839_3kPP2prGc5saLzc.png Dungeon Master

This character is part of a D&D campaign.

71281935_YFWaTdnBTqtWCDn.png Live now!

This character has or is a 2d/3d Vtuber.

71281905_6tj8ws55Cnpxz8d.png Loved

This character has received gift or fan art.

71281919_UY5wguwLPV03Npy.png Friend of a friend

This character has a relationship with someone else's character.

71281897_IPbpyjV4aopP22y.png Socializing

This character has been featured in an art piece with other people's characters.

71281928_dhrZMpiGaX6zPjv.png Fun Clown

This character is a nice/friendly/cute clown.

71281926_vkwJ7cAOsDzOO2X.png NOPE Clown

This character is a spooky/evil clown.

71281934_0fHMRssu1je15nE.png?1695609242 Mystery DNA

This character is a fictional species or doesn't have a defined species.

71281931_p5vrqg9ipRh44IA.png A home

This character is part of a developed fictional world.

73483049_Q8w44AcbwK3MRGY.png Voiced

This character has been officially voiced by someone.

73483048_pgR63Iq4Ryq5y3j.png Musical

This character has a theme song (made exclusively for them).

71281911_XaFhoAe4eahVudu.png Adopt Certificate

This character was made by someone else and not their owner.

73439849_AcD1PyHQ0NgHP1y.png Dreaming

This character is or was at some point a dreamy design.

73441925_IZBIpwnFkLKhCSi.png Collector

This character has 6+ images on their gallery.

73441918_szTkPEw58EL9Ztd.png Super Collector

This character has 20+ images on their gallery.

73443646_DE4q3B8M031K6c2.png Add to cart

This character has or had merch of them available for sale.

73444208_jxCIF1P4UJS7AM8.png Commissioner

You have commissioned art of this character with any currency.

40720482_46qWhrePsEvAX2c.png Traditional Ways

This character has been drawn in traditional ways (watercolor, pencils, paint, etc...).

40720253_lcDn9HvqGDAdRO9.png Digital World

This character has been made in digital art.

40719400_t1jICY7Bq97gwEF.png Loved

This character has received gift or fan art.

40725699_qWR3ABVdfu71esi.png Friend of a friend

This character has a relationship with someone else's character.

40724674_C7fYq3D5eZnQnxk.png Fun Clown

This character is a nice/friendly/cute clown.

40724729_iRQ2murP4NBNrU7.png NOPE Clown

This character is a spooky/evil clown.

57590897_UjSLFtgUdF8tN0B.png Live now!

This character has or is a 2d/3d Vtuber.