


1 year, 2 months ago



Alias Mocha
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Height 15ft
Sexuality Gay
Species Elk/Dragon Hybrid
Friendly? Yes
Alignment Chaotic Neutral


  • Bugs
  • Coffee
  • Writing, research
  • Autumn


  • Being bored
  • Mornings
  • Being alone
  • Having too many thoughts at once


Flying skill
Physical strength

General Behaviour

Mocha is a very socially awkward dragon who prefers to study in silence, with his own thoughts to accompany him. He is dedicated to anything scientifically-related, and will often put himself in danger for the sake of a new discovery. He is practically addicted to coffee, even if the drink causes him to practically bounce off the walls at times. With his best friend, Matcha - who he often calls his "assistant", much to her disliking - he is calm and caring to her, and would not show the same affection for anyone else.


Mocha's fur represents the shades of red, orange, and brown of autumn. His fur almost always has leaves or sticks in it, and might even allow a few insects to crawl over his claws. Mocha has very large, pointy ears. His antlers have a wooden texture, with moss tangled in them most of the time. His mane is very messy and sticks out all over the place. Matcha is often the one who has to sit him down and fix his fur.


Mocha had been alone in a forest for most of his life. He didn't know where he'd come from - perhaps from the forest spirits themselves. At a very young age he learned to collect his own food, that had mostly been bugs, nuts, fruit, or leaves. He grew up entirely alone, and this often made him sad. He carved wooden figures with his own claws to keep as company. He found comfort in autumn when it came, but he could never figure out, through years of research, what brought spring.

He could have never guessed that an innocent wander through the forest touched by a new spring would change his life. Mocha brought along his handmade book of notes to research more on a new flower he'd seen the previous day. This was an exciting discovery, considering Mocha had previously thought he had discovered each and every living thing in the forest. A single claw had tapped the undiscovered flower in curiosity, when, all of a sudden, he heard rustling nearby in the trees. He had no time to react before a furious green blur whizzed by him, pinning him down within seconds.

He was not alone. Someone else had made the forest their home, too.


Matcha [ best friend ]

Matcha was Mocha's very first interaction. They had never seen anything like each other before. The two had grown a bond based on curiosity, which, years later, would grow into a very strong, unbreakable friendship. They have been best friends since then.

- [ relationship ]

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- [ relationship ]

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