[3.] Soule


Basic Info










Koopa/Bowser Koopa


March 21


Age: 36

Gender/pronouns: He/Him

Species: Koopa/Bowser Koopa

family: Brother of Bowser and father of Cyril and the seven Koopalings (Ludwig, Roy, Morton, Iggy, Wendy, Larry and Lemmy)

Friends: No Close Friends

Soule is a very stubborn Koopa. He has always been jealous of his brother but he at the same time always wants the best for him, since he cannot imagine himself doing what Bowser does. He is more so just jealous of the fame. Soule is very caring and loving to his children, despite the fact that they live with Bowser now since they were all too much for him to take care of at once, he has an issue with not wanting to be lonely. He does have one son that lives with him though. Cyril is his newest child that he adores very much. Soule is very bad about talking about his feelings and emotions, causing inappropriate emotions at the wrong times. He sits alone often and gets anxious when away from others for too long. His anger issues and frustration are much more obvious if he goes without sleep, but he is very good about keeping himself at bay to not cause harm to anyone he loves. 

Growing up, Soule has always been jealous of his brother, Bowser. However, he also looked up to him and admired his bravery that he did not have. Being able to show strength and breathe fire, he could never use those abilities as he has a kinder heart and fears causing harm to others. He isolated himself very much when younger, causing him to nearly go mad when he grew up and lived on his own. He knew something that would keep him company would be a relationship, but all his relationships seemed to end poorly. Luckily for Soule, he found himself becoming a father! He was proud to raise his first kid, Ludwig, but found himself thinking he could handle another child. With that, it was like it never ended. Seven kids total, he could not find the time or patience to take care of them all and he became so overwhelmed it was all left in Ludwigs hands at a young age. Once Bowser found out about this, he was not pleased. He took the kids from Soule to give them their current lives at Bowsers castle, away from a small messy home. Soule was heartbroken, but he knew it was for the best and all he wanted was the best for his kids. Relieved for a while in a silent lonely home, the loneliness caught up to him and he could not stand the silence. Soule now being the father of an eighth child, Cyril. He can happily take care of and love one child over seven at once, this eased his anxiety much more, but his procrastination was still noticeable at times it was not as bad as it used to be. He is a good father when not under a lot of pressure and has promised to keep himself and Cyril safe and loved. In his free time, Soule does enjoy doing crafts. On his own or with Cyril. It is one of the few calming things in his life. He also has always had rather small horns, an insecurity of his because Koopa's are typically known for their large and cool horns. His large fluffy purple mane however, that is something he is very proud of. He takes good care of his hair. The only time one will ever see Soule genuinely fight is if he is protecting his child. 


  • For a Koopa, his voice is also not that deep

  • Wears a collar often as it keeps his big mane of hair under control.

  • Like a cat, Soule's tail will often sway or flick if he is agitated or angry.

  • He secretly enjoys watching romance movies and reading romance books, but he does not like admitting it.

  • All of his relationships have ended on good terms, he is very respectful and kind! Just happens to move on way too quickly

  • May or may not have been in a relationship with Madame Flurrie (Paper Mario TTYD).

  • He definitely overreacts when he gets hurt. He is clumsy, so he will complain a lot. Also, when he is sick, he acts like it is the end of the world.

  • Loves to collect fireflowers.

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: TBD