


1 year, 25 days ago


  The Serpentine Devil

[ Race ]  Naga

[ Species ]  Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

[ Height ]  7ft 6inches / 231.648cm

[ Length ]  20ft / 609.6cm

[ Age ]  27

[ Place of birth ]  {REDACTED}

[ Residence ]  Hinoon Haven

[ Gender ]  Male

[ Pronouns ]  He/Him

[ Orientation ]  Unknown 

[ Status ]  Single / Alive

[  P r o f i l e  ]

snake_silhouette.pngDiamondback is a man who keeps his true name to himself; usually telling others to refer to him as "Diamondback" when asked about his name. He's not here to make friends, though perhaps someone may worm their way through his defenses if stubborn enough. As an outlaw, he goes wherever he pleases whenever he pleases with no concern for others. After all, he cares only for himself; you cannot be backstabbed if there's nobody you trust.

Death is an everlingering presence around the Naga. His hands, while appearing clean, are permanently soiled with the blood of many that he's killed over the years. Diamondback has killed to stay alive, and has also killed just to prove a point. He feels no remorse for his actions, though he does not speak of his past altercations. His past is not something he will open up about, but it's not hard to tell that he's killed before with the way he doesn't hesitate when drawing his gun.

Caring little for the opinions of others, he mostly prefers to stick to himself on the outskirts of towns. Crowds are not something he likes to congregate within, unless there's a fight that he will gladly join in on, because of his lengthy tail that can get stepped on. Despite this, Diamondback is very keen and listens to the town's gossip from wherever he may be settled at that moment.

[  P e r s o n a l i t y  ]

Vitriolic and wicked, he rebukes any form of friendly hand that is extended to him, instead preferring to cause havoc wherever he goes with a cruel laugh. Diamondback is not a friendly face; instead, he will taunt and condescend someone if given the chance. If things are pushed too far, he will not hesitate to draw his gun on someone to threaten them with bared fangs dripping with venom and a mocking, sneering, laugh as his tail rattles. To try to befriend this serpent, one would have to have plenty of patience to deal with his awful personality.

[  P e r s o n a l i t y  T r a i t s  ]

✔ Hardworking ✖ Aggressive                      

✔ Independent ✖ Cynical                      

✔ Serious ✖ Insincere                      

✔ Thorough ✖ Vindictive                      

━ Confidential
 ━ Skeptical                      

[  L i k e s  &  D i s l i k e s  ]

✔ Smoking ✖ Cold Temperatures                      
✔ Horses ✖ Being disturbed                      
✔ A good brawl ✖ Gambling                    
✔ Whiskey ✖ Noisy creatures                      
✔ Money  ✖ Hawks                      

[  H o b b i e s  ]

• Napping
• Causing bar fights
• Petting cats

[  S t a t i s t i c s  ]









[  E x t r a  ]

Venomous Fangs
Much worse than any bark, Diamondback has a set of fangs he likes to flash in threat that drip a hemotixic venom much like other Rattlesnakes. While he much prefers using his gun or fists, the unruly Naga isn't afraid to fight dirty and, quite literally, sink his fangs into someone in a fight if he's cornered and under the threat of death. When not in use, these fangs are tucked safely into the soft upper palate of his mouth.

Quick Reflexes
Quick as a whip, Diamondback's response time to lashing out or reacting physically to something is not something to shrug at. While not nearly as fast as a bullet, he's quite adept at using this speed to either rile other's up with condenscending comments about how slow they are when trying to hit him, or using it to his advantage in a gunslinging brawl. However, even his reflexes have a limit. He can't avoid something he can't see coming; be it a sneak attack, or something fast enough that he can't react fast enough for. His endurance also determines his ability to react; if he's exhausted or cold, his reflexes will be slowed.

Unable to regulate his own body temperature, it's not uncommon to find the Naga basking in the heat of the sun to warm himself, especially after a cold night. That being said, Diamondback dislikes touching anyone cold to the touch; much preferring to be around those who put off some sort of heat if he's managed to form a semblance of a bond with someone.

Heightened Senses
While not nearly as sharp as a canine's, Diamondback has a sharper sense of smell and taste that he uses to assess potential threats that he cannot see with his sharp eyes. He can often be found scenting the air with his forked tongue as he does this. During the night, as things get cooler, he can somewhat detect heat signatures thanks to the heat pits that he has hidden under his eyes.

Visual Warnings
An easy way to tell if Diamondback is in a foul mood or feeling aggressively defensive is by his tense body language. Much like other Rattlesnakes, the Naga will rattle his tail in warning, which can be heard from even a good distance away, and will lash out in violent aggression if his warning is not heeded. Another thing to note is when Diamondback is in a foul mood, he will puff himself up and hiss alongside his warning rattle; his words becoming raspy and thickly laced within the hiss if he tries to speak during this time. When he's like this, it's best to leave him alone unless you want to tend to potential injuries

[  R e l a t i o n s h i p s  ]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec  dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec   dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec   dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec   dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus.

[  H i s t o r y  ]

Age 0-9
Born to a poor mother struggling to survive in a world out to kill them, Diamondback is no stranger to hard times. They lived off what little they could scavenge off the harsh land while constantly on the move. Often times they would steal from ranchers; a calf here or there in hopes that it would be passed off as predators taking advantage of such young prey when the cattle were asleep.
Age 10-14
When Diamondback was ten, tragedy struck. He had made a new friend, a human, and was growing closer to the boy day by day. His mother had been panicked when he had told her, but he waved her off - how could this friend be bad? Unfortunately, he was young and wholly unexperienced in how cruel life could possibly be. The fateful day happened when he was meeting up with his friend and was met with gunfire. Yelping, he panicked as a bullet struck him in the chest and fled; unintentionally leading them straight to the den. Everything was a blur after that, but when he had awoken it was to the stench of death; his mother unmoving from where she had protectively coiled around him. After that day, Diamondback refused to let anyone close and let bitterness swallow his heart as he continued to scavenge off the land. If the humans thought their kind were devils, he would show them how much of a devil he could be.
Age 15-26
At the age of fifteen, Diamondback made his first kill. It had been purely out of self defense; he had accidentally stumbled upon a cowboy who had settled down for the evening - tripped over him, really, - and the resulting scuffle ended with the panicked Naga sinking his fangs into the cowboy. When the cowboy had passed, Diamondback looted what he could; including a pistol, the cowboy's hat, and food. This kickstarted the path he would take. No longer would he flinch away and hide from danger; instead, he would hone his skills and defend himself without hesitation. Eventually this morphed into something else; his empathy dulling until he would pull the trigger just to prove a point; his heart hardening and sharpening to become fanged and cruel.
Age 27
In the current day, Diamondback had briefly crossed paths with another cryptid who spoke about a safe haven for their kind. Curious, the outlaw decided to check it out and eventually found himself at the border of the small town of Hinoon Haven. While he had no plans to permanently stay, it would be nice to settle down for just a while and rest. Only time will tell if the serpentine devil will decide to stay and make this small town his home.
[  O t h e r  ]

• Roleplay Method •
> Discord / One on one or small group rps are preferred

• Roleplay Style •
> Third person paragraph

• Roleplay Comfort:
> Will be willing to discuss topics, themes, and personal limits in mind for any rp

• Romance/Ships? •
> If things start to develop, I'd be more than willing to discuss how we want things to go down between the characters ❤

• Timezone •

• Availability •
> Pretty open; my sleep schedule is all over the place, but I try to respond ASAP

• Extra •
> If I do happen to go quiet for a few days, please give me a poke! Chances are I got busy and forgot to respond

[ P l a y l i s t  ]