Rosedapple ⭐



1 year, 1 month ago


Rosedapple was a lot like her mother; quiet and kind, with just enough of her spine to stand up in the face of those who went against her stern set of morals. She never started shit, but she also didn't take it, even when it became evident that she was very ill in a way that not even the lake's greatest healers could fix. They were never sure what exactly caused it, but by the time she was eight moons old she had completely lost the use of her back legs. Despite this, Rosedapple was a determined and bright soul, and sought to care for her clanmates however she could. Even if she would never be the greatest fighter, she still helped with fetching moss, watching the clan's kits, and on better days patroling the borders.
Unfortunately, by the time that Doepetal and Badgerstrike's second litter was born, it was clear that something was wrong. As the moons went on, Rosedapple had only gotten weaker, no matter what herbs they tried or remedies were attempted. She survived to see Oakkit become Oakpaw, and cheer on his progress, but even that took up a lot of her energy. For better or worse it wasn't her illness that took her life; it was Buzzardstrike who killed her one morning, when she'd mustered the energy to leave camp to collect flowers to surprise her clanmates with. She only wishes she could've been there for poor Oakpad just a moon longer.