


6 years, 2 months ago



"’If music be the food of love, play on.’"

Shoujo practices piano every single day so that they may become a well-known pianist. Shoujo loves literature, music, art, and many other creative jobs. Shoujo has a personal maid named Nico, who they have known since they were ten years old. They are very close friends, and Shoujo looks forward to Nico’s afternoon tea every single day. This is where Shoujo can curl up on their favorite chair, and reread Hamlet. This is also a time where Nico can take a break from her maid duties, and talk to Shoujo. Other than playing piano, reading, and drinking tea, Shoujo does not do much else around the house. Sometimes Shoujo will go watch Nico cook in the kitchen, or “grab some tea” and sneak some snacks. Shoujo is the only child of a happily married gay couple. The fathers accept Shoujo’s non-binary identity and pronouns, and encourage Shoujo to follow their dreams.

【 Name 】 Shoujo 【 Gender 】 Non-Binary
【 Age 】 20 【 Sign 】 Virgo
【 Nationality 】 Canadian 【 Species】 Human (?)
【 Type 】 Kuudere 【 Likes 】 Piano & Hamlet

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Temper 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

【 Attire 】 Shoujo wears very nice clothing every day. They are always seen in a button down shirt with a tie, a sleek jacket, pants, and suede shoes. Shoujo believes that dressing professionally leads to success (some superstition in wanting to get their dream job). Shoujo always has glasses on, they’re (unfortunately) near and far sighted, needing bifocals.

【 Other 】 Shoujo’s favorite color is red, and always has at least something red in their attire. When Shoujo isn’t practicing piano, they are always reading. Shoujo’s family has an entire library filled to the ceiling with books; just for Shoujo. Shoujo’s favorite time of the day, is where they gets to sit down in their favorite chair, reread Hamlet, and drink tea.


[ Nico ] Nico is Shoujo’s personal maid. Nico has known Shoujo since she was seven years old (when Nico became a maid). She is very close with Shoujo, and loves making her special tea for them. Even though Nico can seem very preppy, and almost too childish, she can be very intelligent at times.
