


1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Stella Florakis




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-Backstory may be added later-

The names of her cats are Pheobe, Kiki, Lizzie and Loki


-People often describe her as air brained. She is very distracted and is always thinking of something else. 
-She rarely shows notable emotions, always remaining with her same distracted and calm face even in the most intense situations. Her emotions are numb, somehow
-She only even shows joy when it comes to her animals, she owns 4 cats and she loves them more than anything.
-She likes to joke about it being the cats who actually perform magic in her store, no-one can tell if she's actually joking or not, since she always says it straight faced. SHE COULD BE TELLING THE TRUTH.


-She has a job in potion making, her house is even located directly above her potion store.
-She loves cooking special foods for her cats, even if it's just for them.
-She loves playing video games in her downtime, ranging from very competitive games all the way to calm farming simulators.
-She is currently taking archery lessons for the fun of it. 

Physical Attributes:

-Due to her Zephmirian descent she possesses wings that she can use to fly, she doesn't often use them they do come in handy when necessary
-She can see very well in the dark
-She's almost constantly sleep deprived as she has trouble falling asleep.
-She's very physically weak, having to make up for it with spells she learned

Magic Abilities:
Long ago she decided to align herself purely to thunder magic, as it would make her necessities simpler with a simple element. Compared to the average person her magic reserves are very small, and due to her mixed blood she has more unstable magic than usual. She has to pay very close attention to not overexert herself when preforming high power spells. They have focused their skill set to mastering low cost one time spells, like summoning objects and small barriers and simple enchantments.

One of her most unique spells was one that she invented on her own, allowing her to psychically communicate with animals. It doesn't allow them to have full on conversations, it is more akin to a quick nod to affirm an intention/convey a request. They use it constantly with their cats and it helps managing them well. 

Her cats somehow help her with spells as well. each of them possesses and enchanted collar that stores magic much like a magic wielder's body, and that magic can only be tapped into by Stella herself and the cat in question, which artificially increases her magic reserve when her cats are around. The cats are well trained and they can perform simple spells using the magic gathered in their collars, Phoebe specifically is smart enough to create simple potions by throwing pre portioned ingredients into a cauldron, which comes in handy when saving time at the shop.