#9 Party! Confetti



1 year, 16 days ago


✧.* Basic information ✧.*

Name: Confetti 

Pronouns: They/she 

Age: 18

Gender: non-Binary 

Sexuality: pansexual 

Character relationship(s):

Salt (Found brother) belongs to Spac3Trash

Open to friendships 

Open to casual relationships (She gets crushes easily and isn’t successful in maintaining them)

.* Character description .*

An octoling gijinka of the splatoon soundtrack #9 party! - dedf1sh for octo expansion stages filled with enemies! Designed for splatune gijinka zine!

Confetti is a half sanitized octoling who loves to befriend anyone she meets! Always full of energy! They are basically what you get if you put pinkie pie and mable pines into the blender (hehehe get it? It’s cuz in octo expansion they-)

They are blind and uses a white cane but usually just likes clinging to someone’s arm

.* Interests ✧.*

Collecting stickers and silly trinkets 

Skating with their brother 

Throwing and attending parties

Decora fashion 

.* Design notes ✧.*

Their sanitization covers almost half of her body

Their Blaster is custom made and is covered in stickers