Ernest Tarr



1 year, 2 months ago


A 32 year old detective, cunning and very polite - a truly formal gentleman. 

Tarr is a mathematical genius and chess prodigy, allowing him to easily best others at provability games. He's generally seen to be a very stoic person. Acting overly mature and going as far as rudeness when being blunt about his work ethic. Ernest is perceived by many as vain, narcissistic, materialistic, and shallow; caring for nothing but his own gratification and, presumably by his own admission, has no personality to make up for it beneath his exterior. Though he has a tendency to sometimes get attached to others easily, and hates to see people get hurt; especially those who he sees as close friends.

He suffers from bipolar disorder, as well as nocturnal asthma. 

Tarr's relationship to Vincent fails to stay professional at times and crosses borders it shouldn't, forcing the detective to be talked to privately about his behaviour.