


1 year, 1 month ago


  • 👹Name: Loi
  • 👹Alias(s): "Devil Leopard"
  • 👹Race: human / demon
  • 👹 Gender: M (he / him)
  • 👹 Age: 25 (in human years)
  • 👹 Height: 5' 8" (172.7 cm)
  • 👹Orient.: bi
  • 👹Family: 

Loi is a half-human/half-demon bandit leader who resides on the side of a mountain robbing travelers, poaching the royalty's animals, and extorting nearby villagers – as well as just being an overall big stinker. Despite his fearsome reputation as the "Devil Leopard", Loi is shown to be admirably loyal and kind to those in his care. Such as taking runaways into his group for their protection, or bringing food and treasures to the elderly who live on his mountain. While he is okay with breaking laws, stealing, and even killing, he does have lines he won't cross.

His manners are lackluster, inviting himself into peoples homes and helping himself to their food or bathtubs. He is also rather blunt and will insert himself into any conversation he sees fit to. While all of this makes him appear an ignorant brute, Loi is fiendishly clever and annoyingly observant. Always smiling like a fat cat with a tuna when he knows something others don't. He is quick to pick up on things, and that he can't learn he exploits others' skills into performing. Not to worry though! If you scratch his back he'll always return the favor, leaving no debt unpaid.

🐆 Trivia / Design Notes

  • Has jagged top scars — he likes how cool they look!
  • His teeth are sharp like a shark and are colored black. 
  • While he carries two short swords on him, Loi is also proficient in the use of bows. He likes to use the latter when hunting.
  • He is also very skilled at making traps >:3c
  • The markings under his eyes are tattoos, they do not come off.