Odile the Black Swan



1 year, 2 months ago



Name Odile
Height 159cm
Age 26
Gender Cis Female
Race Drachen
Role Bladesinger Wizard
Demeanor Neutral Good


  • chamomile tea
  • tiramisu
  • puns (will hold back laughter)
  • nighttime


  • bright lights
  • the scent of iron
  • smoking
  • obnoxious people


Without oversimplifying her character too much, she could be described as somewhat of a tsundere. Not exactly knowing how to deal with her own emotions sometimes, she can burst out in a fit, although she will feel regret having hurt anyone in the process. She shows great pride in her abilities, though you could argue it's only a mask to cover her feelings of inferiority. She's somewhat of a stickler for rules and manners. She can be somewhat annoying and grating to be around. Her motivations come from her heart though, as she wants to secure a better future for the common folk and is not afraid to fight for it. But she is also not afraid of getting her hands dirty.

Odile is a ballet performer from a traveling theatre troupe. Her mother, one of the stars of the theatre troupe, is an elf and her father a dragonborn crownsguard.

As her theatre troupe consists mostly of other elves, she felt a bit out of place growing up. This sentiment was only strengthened by always feeling like she's in her mother's shadow, never quite reaching up to a star like her. Yet, they had an incredibly strong bond and the love Odile felt for her mother is not to be undermined.

The members of the troupe are good at one thing specifically, performance, obviously. But this applies in more than just the dance and song part, as the performers actually moonlight as assassins at night. Their mission is to rid of corruption within the high ranks of the kingdom. For this they developed the art of the swan bladesong. They strike with their powerful spellswords all while upholding grace and beauty in their moves.

Odile only being a novice, was assigned to the same mission as her mother. To eliminate Baron Nephrite of the house Dia. Unbeknownst to them, the baron's creations and loyal servants, his constructs, make far more skilled bodyguards than expected. As they captured Odile's mother, Odile had to watch as the sadistic baron tortured her, seeking vengeance for all inconveniences caused by the troupe.

Powerless to do anything to protect her beloved mother, all she could do was attempt to escape. And that was the last she ever saw of her. Ashamed of her failure and grieving, Odile never returned to the troupe. Instead she traveled as a solo adventurer, brooding and plotting her own vengeance.

Her plan to stay solo was fast interrupted as she met another traveler named Rorschach, whom she partied up with to complete a commission. Odile didn't seem too fond of him and his arrogance, but for the sake of the mission, she obliged. As they attempt to undo the black magicks of a cultist, they ended up being cursed, leaving their souls tied together. Should they stray too far from each other their energy gets sapped, eventually resulting in death. Odile couldn't imagine a worse fate than being stuck with, what she believes, his annoying visage. Their new mission: seeking a cure of this curse.

While they wrestle countless of enemies, monsters and sometimes their annoyances with each other, they did eventually bond against all odds. Odile, having her heart stolen by him, would never admit to having feelings for him, believing that he would only break it. In her surprise, Rorschach was the first to grow soft and admit his own feelings for her. Info

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