Alicia Kang



1 year, 2 months ago



The Frost Thorn of Hwarang


"Dame Alicia 'Frost Thorn' Kang of the first Order of Hwarang, at your service."

NAME alicia
ALIAS elysia
AGE 30
SPECIES coordinate
ETHNICITY koi-mourian
GENDER demi-femme
ORIENTATION questioning
DESIGNER @DragoenixHeart

The Knight of Frost, Dame Alicia Kang is of a poised stature. She's mastered the art of the blade and sways her opponents with grace, quite literally. Incorporating waltz into her bladework, her foes are dragged into a fairytale... unfortunately, this daydream doesn't last long - when you wake up and find you've lost.

As a person, however, Alicia is a polite and friendly one. Although they're not much of a talker, they enjoy everyone's company and have a preference for busy and bustling places! The Empress assigned her to supervise the ports and habours of Kaelen, a perfect place to be if you love activity, day in and day out!



Alicia has a good eye when it comes to detail, it's a good quality to have considering how many accounts, checklists and... more lists she has to go through to make sure everything is in place (and there's no shady business going on).

She speaks when she deems it necessary and it's usually for work purposes. Anything suspicious and you'll find yourself being interrogated by this 5"7 (in heels) lady. They also speak up when they have questions they want answered.

Alicia is always present in the moment. "The future is the least of my concerns, let's deal with what's going onright now." She likes to say. Sensitive to her immediate environment, she's in touch with everything - it almost feels like she has a 6th sense. They care deeply about others and themself.

Furthermore, she loves hanging out with people and prefers constant company - whether it be new acquaintances or old friends.

Also! She loves to collect stamps and limited edition coins - whether it be on or off duty! Alicia takes an interest in fashion as well, eager to mix and match and wear what fits them best! She's definitely someone you should go shopping with, should you get the chance!


  • meeting people
  • investigating
  • coins and stamps
  • fashion
  • animals
  • the countryside
  • tea


  • crime
  • lonely places
  • being unprofessional
  • hot weather
  • mannequins



Alicia Kang, born on 27th January, grew up in the countryside of Koinoshi. She's lived with her grandparents for as long as she can remember. She'd try to help them by engaging in miscellaneous little tasks, from filling the watering can to bringing over some tools. She specifically enjoyed picking up couriers or dropping off orders, waddling over from house to house with a little clipboard. However, Alicia's ice sorbility often made it difficult for her to do simple tasks, without making her immediate surroundings freeze. The water wouldn't pour out, the tools would be covered in frost, or the deliveries would be ruined.

She was sent to Hwarang, for her own good. Hwarang was a local mentor, with the patience of a saint. He'd dress in traditionals everyday, a polite smile on his face. He'd teach his students the arts, sciences and even harnessing the power of your sorbility. Hwarang's gentle soul made the perfect mentor, especially for Alicia who didn't speak often and had a hard time controlling her sorbility.

Soon enough, Alicia became an elegant swordsman over years of practice, using her ice magic to add character with each swing. She incorporates movements of waltz and salsa into her bladework, making her by far Hwarang's most unique student. With the grace of flowers and the edge of bristles, Alicia earned herself the title of 'Frost Thorn' - an ice rose that blooms only in the coldest of regions.


Alicia has climbed the ranks and was appointed to the position of 'Knight' / 'Dame' by Her Highness, the Empress herself. She's earned her place among the first Order of the Knights of Hwarang, the founding order, some would say. She's been awarded with two Per Aspera Ad Astra's, a medal of honour for those who have contributed tremendously to the prosperity of Kaelen. This is no small feat, especially at the age of 30. The highest record is 3, as of now.

Alicia may seem to play a... not so vital role, at first glance. I mean, come on, she's just a knight. What's she gonna do?

You're a fool to think such a thing. Since she's answerable only to the Empress, she has the right to arrest with or without a warrant if she has enough evidence to prove the grounds of suspicion placed on you. Alicia Kang has gained a negative reputation among criminals and illegal merchants who think they can get away with smuggling and trafficking prohibited substances or items. Her first Per Aspera was earned by shutting down a notorious Saturnis smuggling ring. Alicia's jurisdiction also includes submitting all information on criminal acts, exposing them and getting people blacklisted.

Her second Per Aspera was earned after she discovered children being crammed into crates for trafficking purposes. She lost her right eye during a confrontation on the same. The only reason she covers it is for the comfort of others, on the other hand, she likes her new haircut. "I like the edge it gives me, y'know?"

Alicia Kang is well on her way to earn her third Per Aspera, and is currently investigating a strange organization...



  • She likes both dogs and cats!
  • Has a slight fear of ducks.
  • Knows a lot about nutrition and agriculture!
  • Likes honey a lot.
  • Loves to have a clipboard around with her!
  • Loves cafes.




  • Hair is an off-white and turns into a light-ish black at the end.
  • The little star things on her waist are her Per Asperas! Don't forget to include them.
  • White part of her outfit kinda joins with the thigh-highs.
  • She wears gloves!
  • Feel free to add some nice shiny earrings on her!
  • I adopted her on 15th April 2022!

