


1 year, 23 days ago


Kastor Auclair || tiefling || he/him, transmasc || Lunar Sorcerer, Glamor Bard


Kas has purple skin flecked with white freckles all over his body. The  most prominent ones are on his arms that form the shapes of  constellations. His scaleras are black with light blue irises. His  pupils look like white four pointed stars. Kas’ hair is long and light  pink in color. The further it goes down it becomes a darker shade of  pink. He typically is seen wearing lots of gold accenting jewelry such  as arm bands and ear tips. His style of clothing can be described as  loose and draped, but it shows elegance in the fabric choice/patterns  and color.


Kas was born into a powerful, matriarchal family of magic users along  with his twin sister, Luxallora. They were born to Lady Myriam and her  husband Alixandre. It is believed, and proven, within his bloodline that  cisgender females are the ones that wield magic, while their male  counterparts do not.  Early on in childhood Kas was expected to learn  proper mannerisms that are expected of a lady, while also learning to  wield his arcane abilities.

Myriam was incredibly hard on her children, working and shaping them  into obedient, yet powerful members of the family. They were shown off  at court and at balls as prodigies of the bloodline. During this time of  growth, Alixandre often served as an absent father, not particularly  interested in their children, just the family status and riches. Kas and  Lux were incredibly close, often pulling pranks around the estate with  their identical looks. Anything that Kas did, Lux did. Everything Lux  did, Kas did. The two were practically inseparable.

While maturing, Kas began to have different thoughts on his identity  which proved to be a problem for his mother. It just wasn’t how their  family ‘worked’. Not after all of the effort that Myriam had put into  him that is. Once Kas started seeking out he/him pronouns and masculine  clothes, she gave him an ultimatum. Behave as he was intended to, as a  lady of the family, or be removed from it.

Around his 22st birthday, Kas sought out a healer known for  transformative works. The healer preformed a ritual to give Kas top  surgery, removing his chest.

Myriam was furious when she found out. Saying her child destroyed  their own sacred body. She caught him showing off the scars to Lux, and  lashed out. Shredding her magically imbued nails across his face, she  left him with a scar that he would be “proud of”. This was the last  straw for her disobedient child. He must leave.

Lux begged Kas to stay, to work something out. She couldn’t bare the  thought of her brother leaving. There had to be someway to appease their  mother.

And there was. Myriam came to the conclusion that Kas either had to  give up his delirious obsession with this ‘identity’ he created, or if  he truly wished to live this way, be painfully striped of his magic and  live on the bottom of the totem pole of the family. A disgrace, yet  still a part of it.

Kas wouldn’t have it. He shouldn’t have to lose a part of himself,  which ever path he went with, to prove himself to his mother. He made  his decision. He would leave. Kas packed his belongings, and wrote a  letter to his beloved sister before slipping out into the night. That is  when he began his adventure to discover himself. Not what his mother  wanted from him, not what anyone else wanted from him. He set out to try  and discover who he truly was in the world.