


1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info




specie : fox (??? at least that's what he claims)

age : 22 (biologically. However, he seems to have a lot of specific knowledge on the Medieval period)

height/weight : 178cm, 72kg

male, pansexual


-A trickster ! Deceitful and untrustworthy

-He knows what to say to get people on his side. He can charm his way out of bad situations and make people believe his lies 

-He loves attention and being acclaimed, making people laugh gives him great pride

-Not mean... Just slightly vile


-He travels from town to town to do spectacles on the street

•He usually does childish tricks and grimaces to amuse the crowd. His performances are often theatrical and over-the-top

•Most of his tricks involve cards. He got a whole deck hidden in his coat-like fur

•He also enjoys knife throwing, but it's not his main domain, and he's afraid of accidently stabbing people. Thus, he refrains from doing those

-He often robs people during his shows, even though he doesn't necessarily need what he steals. He can't stop himself, it's too tempting

•He doesn't do that for the money though, but mainly to train his swiping skills

-Can actually use real magic, but he thinks it's lame and not as funny as his stage magic


-Seems to have a kind of relationship with Christian, who seems to dislike him a lot (which makes him sad 😔)