A loner



1 year, 5 months ago


A   L O N E R

↳ he/him◈  43 moons ◈  unknown ◈  clanless

A B I L I T I E S 

zephyr (novice), divination (novice)   


A wild-eyed ginger tom with high white spotting and a scarred pelt.  

The loner is a naturally large but noticeably underweight tomcat. His fur is long, but slightly matted on his legs & belly. He has tall, tufted ears that are covered in little nicks and holes. His wide eyes are red and bloodshot, but reflect bright green in the dark. He's not particularly expressive in the face, but his body language makes it clear that he's often very nervous. His posture keeps his head low, like he's stalking prey or avoiding attention. Covered in scars, his body is a map of the fights he's fought & survived. Many of these were given to him by other animals- fights with lynx, owls, a young wolf he barely managed to evade- but a few are distinctly cat bites. It seems he's at least encountered other cats before, though perhaps not under the best circumstances.   

P E R S O N A L I T Y 

Identity is a new concept to this tom. He is a cat of few words, if any, and disastrous social skills. Extremely cautious in how he navigates the world. You'd think he was afraid of his own shadow but for the ferocity and determination with which he hunts & fights. He will do anything in his power to survive. Living on his own most of his life, simply wandering from place to place, this loner is unfamiliar with concepts like borders and sharing and socialisation. Still, he believes that deep down he was brought to this place for a reason. Whatever that reason is, or what it was that led him here, he accepts it and hopes it doesn't change soon.  

H I S T O R Y 

Since the day he was weaned, this cat's been surviving on his own. He has few memories of his earliest moons- parents, siblings and even his name are a hazy unattainable thing. Instead, the loner focuses on what he knows: a life on the road, the day-to-day of simply getting by. Until now he has certainly seen and interacted with other cats in some capacity, though never on so grand a scale as his new territory. But the loner has always been a fast learner, so he'll do whatever he must to get by. At some point during his wanderings, he believes something- the river, the air, the stones- told him to follow where they led, and where they led was here.

R E L A T I O N S 

Your guess is as good as his.