The Loner



1 year, 2 months ago


a loner "Loner" | 43 moons | Cis tom (he/him) | I don't think HE knows | Unranked  

A wild-looking ginger tom with high white spotting and a scarred pelt.

Identity is a new concept to this tom. He is a cat of few words, if any, and disastrous social skills. Extremely cautious in how he navigates the world. You'd think he was afraid of his own shadow but for the ferocity and determination with which he hunts & fights. He will do anything in his power to survive. Living on his own most of his life, simply wandering from place to place, this loner is unfamiliar with concepts like borders and sharing and socialisation. Still, he recognises that MeadowClan is a safe place with cats who seem to want to take care of him for some reason. Whatever their reasoning is for keeping him around, he accepts it and hopes it doesn't change soon. He keeps to himself in his spare time (sleeping with a group in a den still makes him nervous) but he likes shadowing patrols during the day. Despite everything, he seems curious and eager to learn about Clan life.


This cat's life, from the start, has been focused on surviving day-to-day. If he had a name, a family, he's long since forgotten them. Sure, he's met other cats before, but he's never stuck around long enough to get to know them. A solitary life on the road isn't easy, but the loner's a fast learner and he knows how to get by. He came to the Lost Coast by following rivers towards the sea, believing the currents might lead him to something important...and what he found was MeadowClan. Or more accurately, he intercepted a patrol.  The loner's only been with the Clan about a week at most, but he's convinced himself he is meant to be here. Something inspired him to go west, so clearly it was a sign, right?

FamilyYour guess is as good as his.

Voice claim: Gerard Way