
1 year, 1 month ago


He has been floating around in my head for years 

Clyde works as a hairstylist at a salon, which he also owns and runs. He always makes sure everything is neatly organized. If it’s not, he gets rather agitated. 

Clyde is very vain. He often frets over his appearance, and spends a great deal of time and effort on it as well. He actually dedicated an hour of his morning to make sure he looks the best he possibly can for the day. Clyde takes a lot of pride in his looks.

Clyde has an artistic side to him. He loves art and paintings. He could spend hours admiring art work. He normally attends as many art exhibitions as he possibly can fit into his busy schedule. Occasionally in some of his spare time, he paints.
He also loves music. Especially classical music.

Clyde is a bit of a social butterfly. He loves attending any sort of social gatherings and just chit-chatting with anyone there.


Clyde is a veteran of the Cake War. He ended up losing his right eye and leg. Because of this, he usually covers the right side of his face with his bangs, and has a prosthetic leg. He often uses a cane as well.