


1 year, 2 months ago


IMG-6301); background-position: center; background-size: cover; min-height: 400px;" class="h-100">
Name Ravenpaw
Age 12 moons
Gender Male
Clan Seaclan
Rank Apprentice
Demeanor Unnervinb
Theme Renaisance!




His mother





Imaginative . Nihilistic . Forgetful

✎Ravenpaw is very observant and logical about what he sees, though his logic isn’t exactly on everyone else’s terms. He pieces information together based off of his broken up memories and equally screwed up understanding of the world. It leads him to having very unique thoughts and assumptions that he’ll be very blunt about, one of those being that he has to know /everything./ He doesn’t think about whether or not it’s his business, he’d just rather know about something out of fear that he might go looking for a piece of information just to find that it isn’t there.

✎Ravenpaw’s looks on morals are also very unique to him. In short… he doesn’t believe in them. Or at least that’s what he believes. In truth, he’d just rather have everyone mind their own business. He doesn’t see the point in risking things for others. Or in others risking things for him. The worst thing you could do to a person is to place a burden on them, right? Though, to clarify, he doesn’t think asking for things or help is bad in general, (or else his questions wouldn’t be pestering) but when anyone has to start to risk things to offer that help is when he starts to show his disdain.

✎ Memories have always been a slippery thing for Ravenpaw, as long as he can remember. But who knows if that’s really how long he’s been like this, his memories are untrustworthy anyways. Sometimes they’ll all be in one place, and he can think clearly… but that’s rare. Most of the time, they’re mixed up, constantly blurring in and out of his view. It makes him scared. Who’s to say he couldn’t have a life entirely different than the one he remembers? In fact, who’s to even say that the color blue could mean something entirely different in his mind than the cat that he talks about it too? And the worst part is that his fears are partially true. His way of thinking is /very/ different than those of his peers. It’s not that he shows that this gets to him though… it’s the only thing he allows himself to lie about. Because he shouldn’t have anyone risking things to help him. Even if navigating a shifting world completely alone is frightening.

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