
6 years, 1 month ago


【Name】 Miso
【Age】 ???
【Pronouns】 they/them
【Sexuality】 This isn't The Shape of Water
【Status】 Passive
【Species】 Piscine Humanoid

The existence of this creature mostly remains unknown to the world above the sea, as they they keep out of sight of humans and fae alike, seeing them as foregin and (therefore) dangerous. Although they are rarely seen, there was an occassion where they were caught in a fishing net, and now are scared of the surface.

Their diet consists of (mostly) small fish, with seaweed being seen as more of a decorative ornament - however, it would be eaten in times where food is scarce. They live in a sunken shipwreck deep below the surface, collecting trinkets from clumsy sailors who couldn't keep a sharp grip - nor keen eye - on their belongings. This structure sits precariously on the edge of a deep trench; such a trench is left unexplored by the creature, as they know much more dangerous predators exist within the shadows.


  • Their sight isn't the best. Not only are they colourblind, but they are also short-sighted.
  • They currently live in a seculded area of the Depraved Sea, away from other humanoid entities. This is the only life they have known, and it is unsure if they know the existence of aquatic fae. In addition to this, they live near the presence of a giant deep-sea monster, who is notorious for the destruction of ships.
  • They like to collect trinkets that fall off ships/are found in shipwrecks. Their favourites so far have been: a barnicale-ridden fork, a pocketwatch that has stopped at 11:13, the bones of various fish, and some different coloured glass bottles (the fact they are coloured is unknown to them, for reasons stated above).
  • Their hands and feet are webbed.
  • Their eyes/antenne glow
  • They are carnivorous.
  • Their best (and only) friend is a vampire squid who remains unnamed (who I will - for the sake of clarity - refer to as 'Squid'). The friendship is very one-sided, but Miso is not bothered by this. Whenever Squid drifts by the sunken wreck, Miso makes an effort to show their 'new' trinkets.
  • Their clothes come from different pieces of fabric/clothes that have been discarded and have (somehow) made their way to Miso. These items, if deemed appropriate, are then added to Miso's outfit.
  • If they so desired, they could potentially go above sea onto land. This wouldn't last long however, and they would soon have to return to the sea.
  • I don't have a real species name for them, so let's just go with 'Bathypelagic Piscine Humanoid'.
  • It is unlikely that there are other like them out there.

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