Prince Dirt N' Worms Cookie



Basic Info








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Name: Dirt N' Worms Cookie
Nicknames: Dirt, Worms, Gummy
Age: Dependant
Gender: Male
Orientation: ?
Height: 3' (Child), 6'6 (Adult)
Race: Cookie
Role: Fanchild
Value: ?
Obtained: ?
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♡ Personality - In front of strangers, he's quiet and reserved, sometimes even hiding behind his hair if overwhelmed. He has little tolerance to bullying and may yell at the offender to try and get them to stop, though he usually cries when doing so. In familiar situations, Worms is excitable and easily impressed, saying whatever comes to mind even if it's mean.

♡ Appearance - As expected, Worms looks like a mix of both his parents- he has Dark Choco's skin tone, sharp eyes, and grows to be rather tall. From Licorice, he has his nose, nervous grin, and dreads. One thing is off about Worms, however- because of the dark magic in both his parents' dough, his hair seems to be... Alive...? Most of the "worms" seem to be "dormant", but they may wiggle around or swivel to look at things from time-to-time. He's also inherited Licorice's tail, which is yet another worm.

♡ Background - Years after Dark Choco and Licorice finally began a relationship and several more years after Dark Enchantress' defeat, Dirt N' Worms Cookie was born.

  • Had a brief phase as a toddler where he'd copy Dark Choco by covering his left eye and grunting. It took them a year to figure out why he was doing this.
  • ...Had a signficantly longer phase where he copied Amber Sugar's speech patterns, much to literally everyone else's chagrin.
  • Has a lot of magic in him, both dark and otherwise. This sometimes comes out as small bursts of wild magic until he learns to control it.
  • When he was born, his only hair was his two white worms.
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