Vienna's Comments

Your welcome to take a look in my toyhouse, I can also show you who is available in the forever home :)

who's available in the forever homed folders that you'd be willing to trade for her? i saw a few that interested me but im not sure which ones ur willing to trade. mainly looking at the warrior cats :]

Hello! Does anyone in here interest you? Or anyone in my th at all aside from my mains folder :3 I can offer multiple! :D (please respond if non interest ya so i know :3) Thanks for looking! :D (If ur not looking for characters, sos)

hi, the only one that really interested me was judas but idk if you'd be willing to trade him.. i could also throw in some art to make it more fair if you want :3 examples in my art tab

I would be ok exepting art plus the oc! H9w much art qould you be ok adding? :3

i could add either a shaded bust (example 1, example 2, example 3) or a flat colored fullbody (example 1, example 2, example 3, example 4 (anthro))(preferably no super complex designs if you choose fullbody)

Id be willing to takw the oc plus a shaded buat for judas! :3

ok! what character do you want me to draw and do you have an expression/mood preference? also jsyk it might take me a bit to get the art done because i have a few things ahead of it in my queue. hope that's okay!

2 Replies

hey im so sorry for the previous lack of communication and sorry to back out after making you wait so long but i've been super busy with my irl job and i think i took on too much owed art than i could handle so im going to be cancelling anything that isnt commissions/art trades, for my own sake. i am going to just give you the character for free as an apology for not keeping up my end of the deal. again super sorry and hope you understand!😁🫶

Awwh! Tysm, you honestly didnt need to give em me i wouldve understood but tysm!!

Hello ! Would you like somebody in,TFH for them ?

the only ones that really interested me were calcifer and sunbear but idk if you'd wanna trade either of them for her.. i could maybe throw in some art too since she's more simple in design than them lol

So sorry for the late reply!

I'd accept some art + trading Sunbear, what kinda / how much art?

hi i decided to take another offer, sorry!