


1 year, 5 months ago


Marie ☆ She/Her

The child she guards is best friends with Annabelle's child. They lived together in the same hospital for a while while Annabelle's child recovered from leg surgery after her car crash. The girl met the little boy of the same age in a room on the same floor of the hospital, reading something every time she was wheeled past his door. He lives in the hospital and dreams of being a famous author one day. He was born with a birth defect in his lungs that causes him to have to be attached to breathing tubes 24/7. The children walked together in the hospital garden often, him wheeling her around with his breathing machine attached to his side. He would describe stories to her of kingdoms and mythical beasts with happy endings to cheer the girl up. When she had to leave the hospital to return home after finishing her healing, they bid each other a tearful goodbye and promised to write each other. His letters were long, beautifully written with words she would have to look up in the dictionary. She wrote him about life outside of the hospital, the struggles she faces and the beauty of the world outside the hospital doors that he cannot see. He tells her snippets of unfinished stories he came up with in his mind, and she reads each one before sleep as a bedtime story, cherishing every word. He will become a wonderful author of many well-written and well-loved books, if he lives long enough to write them.