☆ Komi



1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Any Promnoums


Im thinking about Komi (still unsure if i want to keep that name or not for him) but so far what i have for him is that he used to be in a sort of idol popstar trio group. The group was new and small and didn’t last long, lots of personal issues and jealousy within the group. Komi being the second favorite of the group decided to go out and try to be a solo idol. His fan base grew quite well over the years and now he’s pretty decently popular. Still working out how to describe his personality like it is in my head but i guess they have a sort of charming attitude, they can come off as a slight tease flirt sometimes it’s just part of their little show. In person they still sometimes have the attitude but not as much flirt and are a pretty sweet person. Their hobbies consist of mostly things to up their media presence they love to travel and try new kinds of foods, mostly sweets and such. He has altnernate outfits if you wanna draw em just ask ^^