



Swansea was a happy Deinonychus mother who was very protective and caring of her chicks. However one day, Swansea would go hunting with her pack to get food for her chicks. The hunters would be ambushed not by other dinosaurs, but by a group of alien mercenaries called Rooks. The two males that had accompanied her would try to buy her time to escape but would be in vain as the mercenaries would intercept Swansea and capture her. She saw what had happened to the males when she was loaded onto the ship. The two had been killed in mere seconds and were displayed as trophies, which made Swansea worried about what was going to happen to her. When Swansea reached her destination, she found out that the Rooks served as the collectors to a scientific race of aliens known as the Omnis. The Omnis had collected many different creatures from different time periods and planets including from her home. Swansea would remain restrained as she would be given medical examinations. After the examinations, Swansea was subjected to being injected with a healing factor that would heal her scar across her face, but more importantly, ensure that she could not die. When Swansea was done to the Omni's satisfaction, she was put into her enclosure which looked a lot like her home in the Cloverly Formation. However, this would not leave Swansea at home but have her fall into a deep depression and would try to starve herself to end her miserable existence. While she would give up on this plan she would create a little nest and gather rocks to imitate her baby chicks. One of the Omni's scientist sons noticed the dinosaur would not move as much and felt a sense of pity for Swansea.  The son would sneak past the partition and get into the enclosure. At first, Swansea did not notice until the alien got too close to her "family" which resulted in her being hostile. However, the Omni would calm her down by being compassionate to her. Until the Rooks came she was lively with him as it was the only non-hostile alien she had run into since that faithful day. However, Swansea's time on the alien planet would come to an end when a band of space pirates attacked and broke through Swansea's enclosure. The Deinonychus would kill any alien that she ran into trying to escape which she was successfully able to do. Swansea would crash land back on Earth but in modern-day Wales. Swansea would hope to try and find any of her children from before her kidnapping. However, unbeknownst to her, Swansea's kind had been extinct for millions of years. The crash caused many to be fascinated by what had arrived including a golden wyvern named Cerdric and a lamb with a cross named Lilly. Cerdric would find Swansea first, but when asked if she would surrender her power to the wyvern, Swansea refused and held her ground. When Cerdric retreated, Lilly had arrived but the Deinonychus was in no mood for strange creatures and attacked the lamb. Lilly and Swansea would battle to stalemate as both had healing factors and could not hurt the other. While at first, Swansea was not interested in Lilly's goal of stopping Cerdric from complete destruction, when Swansea saw the lengths that he was willing to go, the two rivals would work together to eliminate Cerdric.