Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


tagged content:

- flashing lights and fast moving images

- body horror (typically)

- excessive blood, gore, lacerations

- substance use/abuse

- suicide, self harm, eating disorders

- kink and leather gear both in non-sexual settings (marked with a normal warning), and sexual settings (marked with an sexual warning)

- nudity and bodies

- sexual themes and explicit images/text

untagged content:

- horror themes (cosmic, occult, surreal)

- religious and sacrilegious themes (mostly around christian denominations and new age stuff as that's what i grew up around. i don't do any art/parody for religions such as judaism or islam) 

- trauma, mental health issues and illness, explicit death and themes of death

- slurs (ones I can reclaim, but not always in the context of the character reclaiming. ex. i reclaim the f slur, but a character might use it to be verbally abusive/homophobic.)

- healed scars, including surgical scars and self inflicted scars

- swearing/cursing/general vulgarity

If you notice a tag missing, please let me know! You will need to contact the owner of a design to tag art that i can't edit. 

I do not tolerate the following and I will block on sight:  

- nazism/antisemitism, white supremacy, eugenics, maga/qanon shit, terf/swerf shit, zionism/anti-arab sentiments

- transphobia, transmisogyny, homophobia, lesbophobia, bi/a/panphobia, and other such queerphobia 

- sexism, misogyny, ableism, racism, colorism, cissexism/heterosexism 

- pedophilia (and any stupid name you people come up with), zoophilia, necrophilia, incest, or rape and sexual assault

I have included links for some of these as I understand some people may be unfamiliar with the terms. 

*I don't care if you critically engage with the media or stories you enjoy that might have these as themes. I do not care if you write stories or create art with these themes if you are doing so in a way that is thoughtful and considerate of others. 

Thank you for actually reading to the end of this warning, I hope you have a lovely day <3

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No thanks!