Ilara Clavel



8 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Ilara Clavel








128 lbs








An energetic, motherly troubadour with a love of plants and an obsessive need to be helpful.

Ilara is exceedingly bright and cheery. She is friendly to everyone she meets, even those in opposing armies. She boasts a maturity beyond her youth, often acting motherly to her friends and allies, much to their chagrin. She has a tendency to nag others, due to her straight moral compass, hoping that with enough excess of it others will simply do the right thing. She loves being needed - often throwing herself into dangerous situations to hear the words "I need you", and gets an ego high from "thank you"s. Her mantra is "what is it that I can do?". She is good at cheering others up, going out of her way to make sure everyone is at their top, physically and emotionally. When her allies are injured, she keeps her cool, but feels the need to keep everyone at maximum health at all times, leading her to heal even if they've only taken a single point of damage. She breaks the most heal staves in the army.

Ilara also has a love of nature, and nature tends to love her back. She is extremely knowledgeable in herbs, trees, and other foliage, and keeps a record of every new plant she comes across. She loves to teach others whether or not they want to learn. Animals are mysteriously charmed by her and often surround her - horses compete to be her mount, leaving her with a different mount in almost every battle.

Ilara comes from a minor noble family, following Ashera's teachings. She learned from a young age to communicate with earth spirits, giving her powerful magic abilities and a natural talent for healing - however, limiting her body's physical abilities. Her family tended to keep to its own self-interest, however, her younger sister, Sierra, left the manor to join the Fiamor army as a swordswoman. Ilara followed her, worried about her well being, acting as a motherly figure to the naive young girl. Sierra, however, aware of Ilara's limitations, left in the middle of the night to join a passing unit, leaving Ilara to search for her for a whole year. She went from unit to unit, camp to camp, until she finally arrived in Odella's army - learning that Sierra had been killed in a skirmish with bandits. However, she knew that brooding over her sister's death would not help anyone, and what she could do to honor her sister was to help the army she wanted to join - the injured needed her, and it was something she could do for the greater good. 

However, she keeps her 'physical limitations' a secret from her allies, and seems to always keep her right eye hidden...

As a healer, Ilara cannot attack - however, she has a wide range of movement because of her mount. Her attack and defense are extremely low, limiting her durability. However, she has high speed and luck, aiding her ability to dodge, and high magic, letting her heal units more than average. Her skill is average at best, but her resistance grants her high magic defense, letting her be a good wall against magic units.