


8 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info










142 lbs








A narcoleptic hunter with an eye for precision but lazy tendencies. The army's deepest sleeper.

Kelly suffers from extreme narcolepsy, often falling asleep regardless of the situation. When he is awake, he is often grumpy and introverted, and tends not to show extreme displays of emotion. His policy is to save as much energy as possible, because he can only do so much when he is awake - therefore, he avoids high energy crowds and participates in battles only when absolutely necessary. In addition, he is easily depressed, and doesn't do much to fight it. Kelly also has an aversion to laguz, if not an extreme distaste for them.
Following a crippling leg injury that required him to affix a leg brace to himself, Kelly makes an effort in self-preservation, realizing that refusing to rely on his allies only hindered his growth. Kelly now attempts to be social in small doses, albeit very awkwardly due to his lack of experience empathizing with others, and is very easily flustered by compliments. He is very sensitive about how feminine he is, despite that he wears very gender neutral clothing.

Kelly was born to his mother Malia, a tribal huntress, and his father Fritz, a wealthy drunkard. He grew up in an isolated lodge high up in the mountains, where he learned to be an archer from his mother. He was extremely attached to his mother, but 
despised his abusive father, who expected his wife to provide for the family. After Fritz had severely abused her, she left without a word, leaving Kelly to take over her role of pampering his father's needs. He was expected to hunt for every meal and faced harsh physical abuse when he failed.
After a series of encounters with a laguz, Kelly lost his motivation to expend energy for someone else's sake. He grew to hate giving effort and gave into his tendency to be lazy and half-hearted with his duties. He stole money from his father and paid nearby villagers to bring him vegetables from the market.
However, the village at the foot of the mountain was attacked by bandits, as Kelly had come down to pick up his produce. The Fiamor army had arrived to clear them out, and urged Kelly to assist in the battle with his bow. He reluctantly agreed to, only if the army would take him away from his home and allow him to escape his father. 

Kelly boasts the highest skill and strength of the Fiamor archers, but the lowest speed and luck. This makes him a very damaging unit with high accuracy and a high critical rate, but he can often be doubled by faster units like Myrmidons or Thieves. His defense is average, allowing him to take a few hits, but dodging will be rare for him.  His magic resistance is absolutely terrible, meaning a fast mage can easily be his undoing.