Lura White (Rouges)



1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info



Birth date

December 18th, 2967.



Nationality/home planet

Manhattan (English nationality)


Tea/coffee, Julius, tech/tinkering, music, empty places


The Hegemony, Abigale (her mother), fire, crowded places






(Bolded text is placeholder and will be continued and or edited)


Lura can be a bit overly confident. compared to her younger, more anxious self, Lura can be a bit cocky at times. She isn't so cocky that'll get her in trouble but It has gotten to that point before. Lura's overconfidence does have its contrast though. Lura is extremely lonely and sometimes that can get to her head, she tends to wander around and get herself in trouble when she gets like this. sometimes it can just be her messing with some random people and sometimes she can go to the extreme of messing with hegemony soldiers and even trying to get back at her mother in subtle ways.

Pre-raid life

Lura was raised with multiple siblings a sister, and two twin brothers, but she was always alone. Before her siblings her mother dragged her around to work and public events. Lura was Abigale's little show doll. Lura's school life wasn't any better either. Abigale made sure to put Lura in whatever she could fit into the schedule. she was in soccer, track and field, the student council, and many other academic teams. Lura didn't have much free time, and it got worse as she entered high school. Abigale was also verbally abusive to Lura, if Lura got a grade other than an A Lura would be reprimanded and yelled at constantly. Even though Lura was in lots of extracurricular activities she was very lonely, she had no friends and many students were afraid of her because of her mother. She however did have a boy, Julius, who was in most of her classes and he watched her during games and speeches. Later on in high school, she confronted him and they became friends, and then more. As her relationship grew with Julius, Lura rebelled more against her mother. Lura was often in more trouble, she would sneak out and skip her extracurricular activities often. Lura was madly in love with Julius. for once in her life she felt safe and secure with someone. Lura was finally happy even though she was always in trouble. When she became a junior in high school Lura noticed her mother and her father fighting often. Her father often complained about his job in the Hegemony and Abigale despised him for that. Abigale began to see Lura and her family more as infectients to the Hegemony and she left the family for a while. For those years Lura was the happiest. She quit all of her extracurricular classes and she spent time with her family and Julius. She finally felt free, until the raid. 

Post-raid life

After the raid, Lura was extremely damaged. Lura's left half of her body was severely burned, her leg was crushed, a little more than the left half of her face was burned off and her lungs and throat were severely damaged. A mechanic found her in her broken state and took her to their shop to fix her. The mechanic was no medic but they knew how to connect humans and technology, so in their attempts to fix Lura they amputated her leg, removed her damaged lungs and voice box, and then made her into a cyborg. When Lura was stable and able to move and get used to her new and repaired body parts she was given a communication device and she was told how to manage her new body. 

After her repair, Lura had to figure out what to do with herself. She traveled as long as she could on foot before beginning to travel on freight ships and anything that traveled to and from different planets. After a year of traveling, she ran into many kinds of people, aliens, and robots. She often hung out in bars and clubs just to find and communicate with other people, sometimes to gain information on her mother and her lover, Julius, hoping he was still alive. After bar hopping for a while she came across a bartender and owner named Oakley. They quickly became friends and that bar became her typical hangout. She enjoyed talking to Oakley because he reminded her of one of her brothers. Along with meeting Oakley, she learned some information about many of the factions around the place. After some of her own research, she joined the "Rouges" faction. She felt if she joined a faction she'd have an upper hand on achieving her goal of getting Julius back and getting rid of her mother. Being in the faction did have its ups and downs but she felt that she was better off if she had something that she belonged to. Along with joining the "Rogues"  she learned how to fight and sneak around. She knew if she was going to do the work of a rouge she would have to fight her way out of some tough situations. Lura also learned how to tinker and work with technology with help from the mechanic that fixed her. She found a brain chip and reprogrammed it to act like her sister but also can scan and work through the environment around her. She shaved the right half of her head and implanted the chip in her brain. The chip's persona was named VA short for Virtual Assistant. it gave her the ability to see everything around her and dissect it more clearly. The chip helped her get out of many arrests and tight situations. she could pick pieces of scraps and trash and use them to fix a weapon, ship, or any kind of technology because of the chip. the chip does have it's own malfunctions, mainly when Lura is intoxicated specifically from alcohol. 

Things about Lura

Because of being a cyborg and the chip she implanted in her head, she technologically sees things. She can see how different machines work and she can see how to make things like guns and tech out of trash and scraps (kind of like in the Lego movie)

Lura has a British accent. This comes from her father, as she spent more time with him.

In Lura's younger years, she was quite lonely but she met a boy named Julius after a track meet and they became lovers after a while. 

Julius and her were quite inseparable. She would often skip class, homework, and sports practices to be with him. this angered Abigale, causing Lura to get in trouble often.

When the raid happened Lura's mother Abigale took a few select people to train and be soldiers for the Hegemony, one of those people was Julius. After she joined the Rouges she went on a search for him. 

Lura likes to tinker. All of her weapons are either made by hand or repaired by scraps. 

Lura was raised to be a leader but she is not a people person and she'd much rather work alone. She refuses to take a leader-type role.

Lura prefers to work alone but she is not against working with other people.

𝙈𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙈𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 - 𝙃𝙖𝙮𝙡𝙤𝙛𝙩 𝙄𝙄 (𝙎𝙈𝘼𝙎𝙃𝙐𝙋)
