dogy's Comments

RaynCloud hi hii is those character solely usd? If not I'd love to offer art for em!

hiya! art offers are a-okay!

Awesome! Would 2 fullbodies be okay for them? Can offer more!

sounds good! would you be happy drawing them and them? <3

Yea ofc!

I'm gonna need some time off I'm shaking rn and I can't feel my body. I was helping my teacher in the food truck and something in the gas exploded. It injured my teacher. I'm okay but now o can't stop shaking and I can't feel my feet

[This is a copy and pasted message. I can't properly think at the moment as I'm stuck in this moment. Please forgive me.]

omg!! no worries, that sounds so scary. take your time <3

Hi!! Ty so so much for ur patience with be that explosion was so unexpected. Here's ur stuff sketched out!! 20240407_172641.jpg?ex=6625aedf&is=6613320240407_172442.jpg?ex=6625aec9&is=66133

looks good so far! 

1 Replies