Kadsura's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

deleted-accfff Global Rules
  • do not use these designs for offensive reasons, including, but not limited to: racism, prejudice, homophobia, zoophilia, pedophilia, etc.
  • if redesigning beyond recognition, please add the redesigner’s credit to the “designers” credit, but do not replace this account as the creator.
  • blocked users may not purchase from this account.
  • please keep these characters on ToyHouse, whether they are switched to private or public does not matter.
  • refunds are not available for any reason.
  • failure to send payment within 48 hours of acceptance will result in the design being put back up for offers.
  • do not trade free designs for anything; including art, oc trades, money, etc; they must be gifted to others if being transfered unless art is added to the character after being transferred.
  • warnings will not be provided in regards to characters being put back up for offers.
  • purchasing designs from and made by this account means you agree to these terms.
  • do not trade/sell/gift/etc. designs made by this account to users who support offensive ideologies, ‘jokes,’ etc.
  • tummy nipples, or patterns resembling/similar to tummy nipples, are never allowed, even in redesigns.