>>> Vii ([LC AU] Viridis)



Selfless pursuer - Scientist
Gender: Female
Birthday: 31/10/xx
Department: Safety
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 22
Role: Agent
"Before he can say anything else, she wipes out a bunch of documents: "I have a permission to trespass, permission to talk to you, permission to breathe and permission to ask questions by the high court ^_^"- Requesting acces to forbidden files from Yesod (it was denied)(as always)


"FASCINATING! It appears you are completely delusional!" ....................................................................................... The reason Safety Departament is so infamous: Viridis came to Lobotomy to pursue invention making (and of coruse, to work, which she does eagerly and ever enthusiastically) that would improve the world. She's fascinated with everything new and unconventional, often producing machines or experiments (note: DANGEROUS experiments with EXPLOSIONS that were NOT PLANEND). Can't fight but makes up with weapons she creates. Accidentally takes part in the creation of abnormality she dubbed "SHOE LACE" - of which she takes care.


Overly curious and with no survival instincts whatsoever. She's an energetic person, always looking for something to do (plus, attention span of a goldfish). She's not phased by death or very interested in mantaining relationships or deeper things. Sometimes has problems understanding social cues, or maybe she just chooses to ignore them in favour of acting cheerfull and optimistic. Can use sarcasm but always with a smile. Not capable of malice and evil thought countrary to popular belief. Always eager to help (with varying results...)


Virdis is of average height, albeit shorter than most of her coworkers. She's always wearing a white lab coat, you will nto see her wearing anything else. Dark gloves, goggles and tinted glasses are also present in her outfit. Under the sleeves she has own made device she uses like you would normally a tablet or laptop. Definitely has more inventions on her you will never know.

Design Notes

  • Shorter than her canon design
  • More femine than the canon counterpart


  • She had an albino pigeon that mysteriously dissapeared after Shoe Lace stepped in
  • It is unknown how is everyone alive with the amount of radioactive things in the lab, but she really wants to get her hands on atomic reactor (manager won't spill where it is)
  • Friendly to everyone, will not be dettered even if you try everything to shoo her away
  • Doesn't stand up for herself, but she doesn't seem to mind at all. Doesn't apply to her crazy ideas and pursuing people to change their mind
  • "Managers favourite employee" (trust not fake)
  • Unlike her canon counterpart, she doesn't smoke weed and she never went to space (she would love to do the second though). She's also a mortal and an average human being
  • Sole creator of the Water Vents, Wall Lasers, Magoon Washer 3000 box of death, Net Gun, Spider Vehicle, initiator and employer of the Gorilla team (tm), various devices and machinery along with substances (most radioactive)
  • Forgets to eat often times

Career and life

Currently studies medicine and works in the Lobotomy Corporation as a scientist and doctor. She stations in the dorms, since it's closer to the lab. After the appearance of Shoe Lace she shares the room with it.


Niece of the retired color fixer, Beartrice adapted many of his characteristics. Used to live in the outkirts with her family, before their undisclosed death (presumably by sweepers) - after which she was adopted by Gnarp Miau. (Inderectly causing him to resign his title and quit nomadic life style, so he could take better care of her).


Gnarp Miau / Pale Sanguine Familial - Uncle and niece

Alt text here.

Viridis's close with her uncle, basically treating him like a father figure. Holds great respect for his achievments, but disagrees with the old school ways of his and distaste for modern technology. She figures as a possible successor of the fixer's EGO and mantle, but he doesn't pressure her to take the path he did.

Shoe LaceFamilial, caretaker

Alt text here.

Abnormality of unknown origin. It's either naturally manifested, or created by accident when cogito sample merged with void vial Viridis stole from her canon counterpart. She's very lenient with it, mostly just leaving it to it's schemes - though she tries to teach it manners and values too. Dubs it "HIGHLY INTELIGENT EXTRACELESTIAL LIFE FORM" even when the inteligence of the creature doesn't seem to exceed that of a snarky teeneger. She's willing to break rules for it, as shown by not sending it to cell like other abnormalities. Basically her kid

Other relationshipsWork, friends

  • Manager/Mochi She respects them as superior, but it doesn't stop her from making their life harder with her shanenigans. Doesn't seem to mind the mistreatment that comes from their side, wishes they would be less skeptical about her ideas though. Can dodge all their hits with ease
  • Magoon, coworker Favourite coworker and lab assistant, despite the MAG's clumsiness and tendency of eating things. Often get up to various schemes
  • Larry the internUnlike canon, they don't have a close relationship. She often relies on him to manage documentation and deliver papers.
  • Kether, AI Makes effort to not let the spiders overheat his system and explode or get eaten by shoe lace. Kinda just accepted him as a part of safety ever since he randomly ended up there, intruiged by the fact he's a human AI
  • Hoffnar/Med wing Safety's devided into two parts: Lab where she resides, and med wing to which she's not allowed to (for obvious reasons of people fearing for their lives). Recognises Hoffnar's talent and hopes to learn from him
  • Netzach/Safety Sepphirah Let's him be in peace (untill she doesn't, deeming that a sepphirah shouldn't lie dirty on the floor and promptly chugging him into the magoon washer). Due to his nature he doesn't have much authority in the lab, usually only being the one approving of documents or various requests Viridis comes up with.
  • Yesod/Information Sepphirah Unfortunately Viper's strict and demanding nature didn't mix well with chaotic lab Safety's Captain (?) mantains. Yesod is often times irritated with her, and she would make efforts to not meet him unless neccesary (in which case she will adhere to every rule in hopes of mercy)
  • Wroble, Information Viridis remains friendly, always intruiged by his abnormal cirmcustances. Albeit Wroble's reluctant towards her, he's gratefull for her help and slowly warming up
  • Angela, AI None but she's a big fan of her (not mutual in the slightless)
  • Cubicle, clerk Claimed her friend because of vast knowledge they posses. Doesn't let her do anything without permission
  • Spry, control Doesn't know he's actually an insane individual
> CANON CHARACTERS: crossovers that sometimes happen via portalling Vii, counterpart Very rocky relationship, which she doesn't understand on why. Vii holds a personal vandetta against her, due to naivety and recklesness that could cause something bad. Doesn't want the younger lynx to end up how she did, but Viridis isn't aware of that - she seems irritated with the misstreatment and interested in what she's hiding (stole void vial off her) Mochi, madcom Often mistakenly reffers to them as manager, or names "small manager" "mini manager". They seem to have a positive relationship, which remains under a question when she accidentally caused them a ptsd attack Canon, Larry, Kyle, Moon Doesn't have much of opinion about them, neutral >OTHER Subspace mad scientist to mad scientist communication conversation, don't leave them in the same room if you want your facility unexploded


The Sword Sharpened with Tears WHITE WAW

Used only to calm panicking employees, she prefers high range weapons that don't put her on the front line when supressing abnormalities


The Sword Sharpened with Tears WAW

Viridis'es EGO equipment isn't visible due to being hidden under the lab coat. It is present though and functioning


Name Slot

Lorem ipsum

Name Slot

Lorem ipsum

THEME - Arsenic cake, Asterix and Obelix (I imagined viridis scheming the next great invention)